The outstanding balances of 11.50 % Loan, 2011 is repayable at par on August 5, 2011 and no interest will accrue there on from the said date. In the event of a holiday being declared on August 5, 2011 by any State Government under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, the Loan will be repaid by the paying offices in that State on the previous working day.
Shri Harun Rashid Khan took over today as Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. As Deputy Governor he has been appointed for a period of three years. He will look after Central Security Cell, Department of External Investments and Operations, Department of Government and Bank Accounts, Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, Foreign Exchange Department, Internal Debt Management Department and Inspection Department.
Members participating at Convocation are requested to wear the Royal Blue Colour Blazer / Navy Blue Colour Blazer respectively and female members may wear saree / business suit while attending the Convocation and receiving the membership certificate. A tie and a lapel pin, saree pin in case of female members will be presented by the Institute to them at the convocation.
Circular No.27/2011-Customs It is reported to the Board that e-wastes such as used computers, CRT, RAM and electrical and electronic assemblies are being dumped in a big way into the country thereby posing serious threat to environment. References have also been received seeking clarification whether used computers imported for re-use need permission of Ministry of Environment and Forest before clearance.
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.01 Keeping in view the need to provide a window to facilitate refinancing of FCCBs by the Indian companies who may be facing difficulty in meeting the redemption obligations, it has been decided to consider applications for refinancing of FCCBs by Indian companies under the automatic route. Accordingly, designated AD Category – I banks may allow Indian companies to refinance the outstanding FCCBs subject to compliance with the terms and conditions set out hereunder: –
Taxable Restaurant Service, means any service provided or to be provided to any person by a restaurant, by whatever name called, having the facility of air-conditioning in any part of the establishment, at any time during the financial year, which has licence to serve alcoholic beverages, in relation to serving of food or beverage, including alcoholic beverages or both, in it premises.
Taxable service, means any service provided or to be provided to any person by a hotel, inn, guest house, club or campsite, by whatever name called, for providing of accommodation for a continuous period of less than three months.
In a bid to ensure transparency in their functioning, a format for accounting and auditing of income and expenditure of political parties has been submitted to Election Commission by the Institute of Charted Accountants of India (ICAI). The implementation of the uniform format would help in bringing about accountability of political parties, ICAI President G Ramaswamy told reporters here last night.
A decision on the contentious issue of allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail is likely to be taken before the Monsoon session of Parliament, sources said. However, there will be tough riders on the global retail chains for launching their operations. These would include hand-holding the small kirana shop-keepers who fear they could be wiped out by the giant retailers.
New Delhi: Investors seeking government approval for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) will now have to obtain electronically generated unique number from the concerned authorities before filing requests with the Foreign Investment Promotion Board. The government’s move is expected to streamline as well as expedite the process of clearing FDI proposals in key sectors such as telecom, defence, direct-to-home and commodity exchange.