Export of Onions (all varieties including Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions) excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form was prohibited by Notification No.13(RE-2010)/2009-14 of 22.12.2010. This prohibition on exports was relaxed vide Notification No.19(RE-2010)/2009-14 of 10.2.2011,as per which export of Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions were placed in the “Restricted” category,to be exported under licence subject to Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US $ 1400 per Metric Ton. Modalities for issuance of export licences for such export by RAs was stipulated in Policy Circular No. 21 dated 15.02.2011. Now vide Notification No.24 (RE-2010)/2009-14 of 18.2.2011, export of all types of onion including Bangalore Rose onion and Krishnapuram onion has been allowed through the State Trading Enterprises(STEs) subject to applicable Minimum Export Price (MEP).
Export of Onions (all varieties including Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions) excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form was prohibited by Notification No.13(RE-2010)/2009-14 of 22.12.2010. This prohibition on exports was relaxed vide Notification No.19(RE-2010)/2009-14 of 10.2.2011,as per which export of Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions were placed in the Restricted category,to be exported under licence subject to Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US $ 1400 per Metric Ton.
Serial No. 3(ii) of Policy Circular No. 20(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 14.02.2011 had stipulated certain documents to be submitted to concerned RAs for issuance of export licence . To facilitate expeditious issue of export licences, Sl. No. 3(ii) of Policy Circular No. 20(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 14.02.2011 is amended as under[changes are being made in 3(ii) (b) & 3(ii) (c)]: