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Archive: 01 September 2010

Posts in 01 September 2010

Dishonour/Return of Cheques – Need to Mention the 'Date of Return' in the Cheque Return Memo

September 1, 2010 1161 Views 0 comment Print

As you are aware, the ‘Cheque Return Memo’ that should accompany a cheque dishonoured / returned for any reason is a critical document, more so in case recourse to legal action is necessitated. The procedure for handling dishonoured cheques including

Summary of Key proposals of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) 2010 at one place

September 1, 2010 4422 Views 0 comment Print

Once the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) 2010 get approved by both houses of the Indian parliament, and receives the President’s assent, it would be enacted as law. Significantly, while it was earlier envisaged that as per the original proposal the DTC would be effective from 1 April 2011, the start date of DTC 2010 has now been deferred by a year to 1 April 2012.

Service Tax-Submission of hard copy of documents necessary for granting online registrations

September 1, 2010 2034 Views 0 comment Print

This is to bring to the notice of trade that a large number of online registrations filed are pending issuance in various Ranges/Division offices due to non submission of required documents. It is noticed that while the registration are filled online, either no hard copy of documents is submitted or the documents are submitted after considerable lapse of time. This results in substantial delay in granting registration. In fact, in a very large number of cases (more than 1,000), no documents have been submitted at all.

Shares Income: LTCG remains exempt and Short Term Capital Gain taxable at half the rate under DTC

September 1, 2010 2507 Views 0 comment Print

DTC Billproposes to tax short-term capital gains arising from stocks and mutual funds at half the marginal rate.So, if your marginal tax rate is 30 per cent, you will pay a short-term capital gains tax at 15 per cent. As far as long-term capital gains tax goes, it has been kept out of the tax net, subject to the payment of securities transaction tax (STT).

Synopsis of Annual Supplement 2010-11 to Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2009-14

September 1, 2010 442 Views 0 comment Print

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced the Annual Supplement 2010-11 to the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 (‘FTP’) on 23 August 2010. The objective of the Annual Supplement is to reverse the trend of declining exports and assist sectors badly hit by recession. It has adopted a multi-pronged strategy that includes providing additional support to the affected sectors, promoting technological upgradation and taking measures to reduce transaction costs of exports.

Visa fees hike: US trying to understand the impact

September 1, 2010 603 Views 0 comment Print

The United States says it’s trying to understand the potential impact of a steep hike in US worker visa fees on Indian companies, but no new step has been taken yet to ease Indian concerns. I think we have been explaining to the Indian government the specifics in the legislation, and trying to understand the potential impact on Indian companies,

DTC: Anonymous donations taxable at the rate of 30% as against 15%, Income of trust above one lakh will be taxable

September 1, 2010 910 Views 0 comment Print

The government has proposed to exempt income of charitable and not-for-profit organisations up to R1 lakh from tax and levy a tax of 15 per cent on all income above that ceiling. The Direct Taxes Code (DTC) Bill introduced in Parliament on Monday said the provisions would not apply to specified organisations. Charitable activity does not include the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business or any activity of rendering any service for a fee except where the gross receipts during the financial year from such activity exceed Rs. 10 lakhs.

DTC – MAT rate on book profit will be 20 percent

September 1, 2010 864 Views 0 comment Print

The government on Monday proposed to raise minimum alternate tax (MAT) to 20 per cent on book profits but diluted the earlier proposal to impose it on gross assets that had drawn protests from firms. MAT was introduced in fiscal 1998 to address the inequity. Many companies, despite making book profits as per their profit and loss account, were hardly paying any tax because income computed as per provisions of the Income-Tax Act, was either nil, or insignificant.

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