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Archive: 23 February 2010

Posts in 23 February 2010

Child education: Where to Invest and when to start Investing?

February 23, 2010 429 Views 0 comment Print

In this era of increasing fees, the education of children has become a major component of financial planning. It is important that parents start planning early to ensure that there are no hiccups at the final stages of there child’s education. And that implies planning well in advance. Some points that will help in this planning are as given below:

What is Shield Plus Plan?

February 23, 2010 309 Views 0 comment Print

Shield Plus is a fixed term, 10-year, single premium, unit-linked insurance plan (Ulip) that gives a choice of six fund options. Quite like, most other products in the same genre. The main difference here is that this plan also has a fund called Shield Plus-I, which offers a guaranteed minimum unit price on maturity. The sum assured can be 1.1 or five times the single premium paid.

Ministry of Finance approved 12 FDI Proposals worth 1046 crore

February 23, 2010 363 Views 0 comment Print

Based on the recommendations of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) in its meeting held on February 12, 2010, Government has approved 12 Proposals of Foreign Direct Investment amounting to Rs. 1045.611 Crore approximately.

Export of CXL Concessions Sugar to European Union (EU): DGFT public notice

February 23, 2010 328 Views 0 comment Print

Accordingly, allocation of 10,000 MT of white sugar for export of CXL Concessions Sugar to European Union (EU) for the fiscal year 2009 -10 made vide Public Notice No. 41/2009-2014 dated 15th February, 2010 stands withdrawn.

Announcement relating to taxation papers for students appearing in May 2010 examination PE-II [Income-tax and Central Sales Tax], PCC/IPCC [Taxation], Final (Old) Course [Direct Taxes] and Final (New) Course [Direct Tax Laws]

February 23, 2010 1021 Views 0 comment Print

Consequent to abolition of fringe benefit tax, certain benefits taxed earlier as fringe benefits in the hands of the employer would now be taxable as perquisites in the hands of the employees. For this purpose, new perquisite valuation rules have been notified vide Notification No.94/2009/ F.No.142/25/2009-S.O.(TPL), dated 18.12.2009 with retrospective effect from 1.4.2009. However, the new perquisite valuation rules would be applicable only for November 2010 examination. They would not be applicable for May 2010 examination, since only notifications/circulars issued up to 31st October, 2009 are relevant for May 2010 examination.

ESIC approves enhancement of wage ceiling from 10,000 to 15,000

February 23, 2010 15367 Views 0 comment Print

The ESI Corporation has approved to enhance wage ceiling from Rs 10,000 per month to Rs15,000 per month for coverage of employees under the ESI Scheme in its 149th meeting held on Friday under the chair- manship of Union Minister of Labour and Employment Mallikarjun Kharge.

Regression of European Economies

February 23, 2010 270 Views 0 comment Print

Europe have been struggling the worst recession breeze. US economy have shown signs and activities of recovery through its massive stimulus plans and cost cutting measures. Unemployment has touched to all time historic high putting pressures on the US regulatory to look out for some massive packages to stimulate the job market. US have also made some eye catching turn around towards consumer prices and asking the US citizens to go for saving from borrowed consumptions.

Finally China Acknowledged the Bubble

February 23, 2010 297 Views 0 comment Print

For so many months all economist and equity and financial research analysts across the world have been trying hard to accentuate the eyes of the world economy that china is building a asset bubble fuelled by excess over capacity. Now finally it has been accepted by china itself that they have created a bubble larger than them to control. Before I start on I must thanks all the equity research and financial analysts that we all have succeeded to draw the attention of the upcoming asset bubble which will make the process of recovery out of recession difficult.

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