If you think the new direct tax code unveiled by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday will save you tax, think again. For taxpayers in the lower brackets, taxes may actually go up, depending on various assumptions. People who make substantial income from buying and selling shares may also lose out.
Set-off & Carry Forward of losses in direct tax code: Carry forward of loss permitted only if return filed within due date Set-off & Carry Forward of losses [Sections 58 to 60] Income from various sources falling within any head of income shall be set-off. Income / Loss from Capital Gains can be set-off against […]
The new Direct Tax Code has proposed some stringent penalty provisions in case of willful attempt to evade tax, but maximum penalty mooted will not be more than two times the amount of tax payable in respect of the amount of tax base underreported. Imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and with […]
For Individuals and Hindu Undivided family The code proposes to exempt the general tax payer from paying income tax if his income is Rs 1,60,000 in a year. He would pay just zero tax till an income of Rs 1,60,000 per year. From income above Rs 1,60,000 till Rs 10 lakh (Rs 1 million), he […]
The Direct Taxes Code proposes to substantially raise the threshold limit for levy of wealth tax to Rs 50 crore from Rs 30 lakh, a suggestion, if accepted, would save many people from paying tax on their wealth. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the budget for 2009-10 had doubled the threshold limit for levy of wealth tax to […]