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Archive: 23 July 2009

Posts in 23 July 2009

Procedure for direct supply by intermediate supplier to the port for export for export by ultimate supplier – reg.

July 23, 2009 514 Views 0 comment Print

Attention is invited to Public Notice No. 151 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26th February, 2009 issued by DGFT. Vide Sr. No. 16 of the said Public Notice, the 2nd sub-paragraph of paragraph 4.13 relating to “Advance Authorization or DFIA for Intermediate Supplies” has been amended. It has been, inter alia, provided that intermediate supplier can also supply the product(s) directly to the port for export by the ultimate exporter (holder of Advance Authorisation or DFIA).

Export of non-excisable goods under self-sealing and self-certification-reg

July 23, 2009 1048 Views 0 comment Print

Representations have been received from exporters of non-excisable goods (agricultural products) requesting to extend the facility of self-sealing and self-certification to non-excisable agricultural products. They have requested that this facility would enable them to meet export requirements of the products which expire within a few weeks.

Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) provisions not applicable to foreign companies if no physical presence in India

July 23, 2009 1546 Views 0 comment Print

The applicant is a company incorporated in the United States and is a leading manufacturer of engineered bearings, alloys etc. The applicant has a significant shareholding in an Indian listed company, which was initially set up as joint venture with Tata Iron and Steel Company.

ICAI recommended joint auditors for big companies and rotation of partners every five years

July 23, 2009 1616 Views 0 comment Print

Following the outcry over the role of auditors in the Satyam scam, auditing regulator ICAI has recommended major changes in processes, which include among other things, joint auditors for big companies and rotation of partners every five years.

Police arrested CA for cheating his employer

July 23, 2009 766 Views 0 comment Print

The Powai police has arrested a chartered accountant (CA) for cheating the owner of a leading pharmaceuticals company, Genom Biotech Pvt Ltd, of Rs 40 lakh. After the fraud, the accused had resigned from his job to avoid getting caught, said the police. The 34-year-old chartered accountant, Rajesh Ranjan, and the owner of GBPL at […]

Large corporate taxpayers (LTU) get personalised attention

July 23, 2009 441 Views 0 comment Print

`Happy to help you’ may remind you of the famous ad of a private telecom services company, but the Income Tax (I-T) department is also eager to tell large corporate taxpayers roughly the same thing.So, client executives and relationship managers — so far confined to the private sector and especially service providers — have now made an entry into the tax department, too.

Period for which books of account need to be kept under different Laws

July 23, 2009 5050 Views 0 comment Print

Companies Act, 1956 A company is required to maintain its books of account and vouchers for a period of 8 years immediately preceding the current year. Licensed Companies u/s 25 of The Companies Act, 1956 is required to maintain its books of account and vouchers for a period of not less than 4 years. The […]

SEBI prohibit listed companies from issuing shares with superior rights

July 23, 2009 630 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI/CFD/DIL/LA/2/2009/21/7 July 21, 2009 The Managing Director/ Executive Director/ Administrator of all the Stock Exchanges Dear Sir/Madam, Sub.: Amendments to the Equity Listing Agreement 1. It has been decided to amend the Equity Listing Agreement to prohibit listed companies from issuing shares with superior rights as to voting or dividend vis-à-vis the rights on equity […]

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