The matter has been examined and accordingly it is clarified that the restrictions on such transfer is limited to advance authorization and DFIA Scheme issued and operated under Actual User condition. Once transferability is endorsed on the DFIA, transfer of the imported/domestically procured input(s) against such DFIA shall not be covered by the restrictive clause of the aforesaid Public Notice.
With a view to liberalizing the procedure further, it has been decided to raise the limit of USD 100,000 for advance remittance for alladmissible current account transactions for import of services without bank guarantee to USD 500,000 or its equivalent. AD Category – I banks may frame their own guidelines to deal with such cases as per the policy approved by the bank’s Board of Directors. RBI/2008-09/ 158 ,A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 15, September 08, 2008