A suitable Trade Notice and Standing Order may be issued for the guidance of the trade and staff. Difficulties faced, if any, in implementation of the Circular may be brought to the notice of the Board at an early date.
In spite of the above-referred clear guidelines, a number of requests are received from Ministries, State Governments, Autonomous Bodies, Municipalities and Public Sector Undertakings for customs duty exemption on various items meant for normal functional requirement or for various projects implemented by them, even without specifying as to why they could not provide budgetary allocation for payment of Customs duty.
communicate to SEBI the status of implementation of the provisions of this circular in the Monthly Development Report.
Enclsed please find a copy of the gazette notification no. SEBI/LAD/DOP/1446/2007 dated January 8, 2007 pertaining to SEBI (Foreign Institutional Investors) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 for your information and necessary action.
It is observed from the information provided by the depositories that the companies listed in Annexure ‘A’ have established connectivity with both the depositories on or before 31.12.2006.