In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends the Aayaat Niryat Form, notified in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol-I (RE-06), 2004-2009, as per following details.
The imports of vanaspati including bakery shortening and margarine under Indo Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement made since 1.4.2006 shall be adjusted against overall quantitative limit arrived between the two Governments for export of these items from Sri Lanka to India under Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement and guided by the modalities to be fixed in this regard.
The facility of DTA sale to EOUs is available against physical export of goods manufactured in EOU and earning positive net foreign exchange. Exports effected through third party and foreign exchange realized in the name of the third party for those goods which have been manufactured in the EOU and are directly transferred from the unit to the port of shipment are eligible exports and this export is also counted for the purpose of fulfillment of export obligation of EOU. The EOU is, therefore, eligible to get DTA sale benefits on exports effected through third party.