In sub-paragraph 6.8(a) as amended vide Notification No. 2 dated 13th May, 2005, the third sentence viz “No DTA sale at concessional duty shall be permissible in respect of motor cars, alcoholic liquors, books, tea(except instant tea), pepper & pepper products, refrigeration unit/compacting/ micronisation /pulverization/ granulation/conversion of monohydrate form of chemical to anhydrous form or vice-versa and such other items as may be notified from time to time” shall be amended to read as “No DTA sale at concessional duty shall be permissible in respect of motor cars, alcoholic liquors, books, tea (except instant tea), pepper & pepper products and such other items as may be notified from time to time.
Registering authority for SEZ units and SEZ developers, shall be the Development Commissioner of the SEZ concerned. A separate Registration-cum-Membership Certificate shall not be required in their cases as provided for in Paragraph 2.44 of the Policy except in case of spices. In case of spices, it would be mandatory for the units to get themselves registered with the Spices Board also.
It has been decided that in case of spices, it would be mandatory for the EOU/SEZ units to get themselves registered with the Spices Board. .Public Notice No.21 dated 13.6.05 has been issued in this connection. This will also be applicable to existing units in EOU/SEZ engaged in import/export of spices. This requirement should be strictly complied with.
It is hereby clarified that a Branch Office of a Foreign Company can be issued an IEC number provided the Branch Office in India has been opened with RBI permission under Foreign Exchange Management (Establishment in India of a branch or office or other place of business) Regulation 5 of Notification No. FEMA 22/2000-RB dated 3rd May, 2000 and the Branch Office has been permitted by the RBI to undertake import or export business in India.