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Archive: 30 September 2003

Posts in 30 September 2003

Circular No. 751/67/2003-Central Excise, Dated: 30.09.2003

September 30, 2003 664 Views 0 comment Print

I am directed to refer to notification No. 13/2003-CE(NT) dated 1.3.2003 vide which CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002 were amended inter alia to provide for utilization of credit of Additional Duty of Excise leviable under Additional Excise Duty (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957{AED(GSI)} for payment of CENVAT duty. Subsequently, Board had issued a circular No. 700/16/2003-CX dated 6thMarch, 2003

The company Law Settlement (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheme, 2003

September 30, 2003 412 Views 0 comment Print

grant immunity subject to the provisions contained in the Scheme from instituting and proceeding for prosecution for any offence under the Act, or from the imposition of penalty under the Act for the time being in force in respect of matters covered in the aforesaid declaration made by the declarant.

Public Notice No. 26 RE-03)/2002-07, Dated: 30.09.2003

September 30, 2003 226 Views 0 comment Print

The applicant may apply for EPCG license wherein duty saved amount is upto Rs. 50 crores to the Regional Licensing Authority (RLA) on the basis of self-declaration subject to final fixation of nexus by the RLA. The applicant shall give an undertaking that in case the RLA subsequently disallows the Capital Goods including jigs, fixtures, dies, moulds and spares, the license holder shall pay customs duty as applicable together with 15% interest on such goods.

SEBI : Risk Disclosure Document

September 30, 2003 799 Views 0 comment Print

The words “National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.”, “NSE” and other references, such as, web-site, etc., need to be suitably replaced by the respective stock exchanges while preparing their own risk disclosure document.

SEBI : Secondary Market for Corporate Debt Securities

September 30, 2003 334 Views 0 comment Print

This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred by section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with section 10 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act 1956

Secondary Market for Corporate Debt Securities

September 30, 2003 300 Views 0 comment Print

Companies have been issuing debt securities on private placement basis from time to time. In order to provide greater transparency to such issuances and to protect the interest of investors in such securities, it has been decided that any listed company making issue of debt securities on a private placement basis and listed on a stock exchange shall be required to comply with the following:-

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