Circular No. 425/58/98-CX Kind attention is drawn to CEGAT order No. A-4 dated 6.01. 1998 in case of M/S Flexo Foam Industries Vs. CCE, Bolpur. The CEGAT has allowed the benefit to the appellants relying on its earlier order in case of CCE, Meerut Vs M/S Maruti Foam Ltd. reported in 1996 (85) ELT 157 (Tribunal).
For grant/renewal of any status, the application shall be filed latest by 30th November, 1998. Deficiency, if any, must be communicated by the licensing authorities by 15th December. If this is not done, then existance of deficiency and non rectification thereby by 31st December will not be treated as a ground for rejecting the application. The applicant shall be required to submit the rectification of deficiency to the licensing authorities by 31st December.
The Stock Exchanges are advised to take note of change in the procedure by RBI for issue and export of shares by Indian companies to NRI investors as provided in the referred Press Release and ensure compliance regarding obtaining certificate from the Company that all share certificates including certificate to NRI investors have been despatched before listing or trading permission is granted.