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Archive: 15 July 1998

Posts in 15 July 1998

Policy Circular No. 22 (RE-98)/98-99, Dated: 15.07.1998

July 15, 1998 376 Views 0 comment Print

The Indian Sugar & General Industry Export Import Corporation (ISGIEIC) Ltd., shall be the sole agency authorised to export Raw Cane Sugar to the U.S.A. against the preferential Ceiling as indicated above. The export of above quantity of Raw Cane Sugar to the USA under the preferential arrangements as indicated above shall also be subject to prescribed pre-shipment Certificate by the Export Inspection Council.

Circular No. 407/40/98-Central Excise, Dated: 15.07.1998

July 15, 1998 421 Views 0 comment Print

Circular No. 407/40/98-CX I am directed to say that it has been brought to the notice of the Board that the rebates are not being sanctioned to the exporters who paid duty from the “deemed credit register” on the processed fabrics, especially where duty paid fabrics were used in the manufacture of made-up articles and rebate was claimed under the provisions of rule 12(1)(b) of the Central Excise Rules, 1944.

Conversion to SBs to DBK SBs – Power Delegated to Commissioners

July 15, 1998 361 Views 0 comment Print

Attention is invited to Ministry’s Budget Notification No. 32/98-Customs (NT) dated the 2nd June, 1998 (Copy enclosed)1 amending Rule 12(1)(a) of the Customs & Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1995, with view to delegating powers of relaxation of this rule to Commissioners of Customs. Rule 12(1)(a) inter alia requires an exporter to make a declaration on the Shipping Bill that a claim for

CIT vs Sampathammal Chordia (Madras High Court)

July 15, 1998 717 Views 0 comment Print

Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case and having regard to the provisions of Section 23 of the Income-tax act, 1961, the Appellate Tribunal was right in holding that only the actual rental receipts should be treated as annual letting value though the municipal authorities have fixed the annual value at a higher figure than the actual rent ? and

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