Circular No. 380/13/98-CX I am directed to say that a doubt has been raised regarding classification of plastic pipes, pipe fittings and other plastic components of sprinkler irrigation equipment; whether they would be classifiable under sub-heading 8424.91,
Circular No. 379/12/98-CX I am directed to say that doubts have been expressed regarding correct classification of products which are claimed to be medicines within the Yunani, Siddha and Homeopathic systems of medicine under the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985.
I am directed to refer to notification No.133 / 94-Cus dated 22.6.94 governing 100% EOUs set up in various Export Processing Zones/ Free Trade Zones. Under the above notification, seven earlier notifications each governing 100% EOU in an Export Processing Zone, Were rescinded. In this connection, the following doubts have been raised
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that units engaged in development of software for exports have at times to take out imported Laptop computers and Video Projection System (VPS) outside the unit / Park/ EPZ for working on the software by the engineers employed with them. It has been reported that the present restrictions do not enable them to make full use of the potential