Circular No. 349/65/97-CX The Board has observed with concern that some of the Commissioners are not yet observing the Board”s instructions contained in Board Circular No. 313/29/97-CX (F.No. 390/107/97-JC) dated 6.5.97 as well as Circular No. 332/48/97-CX (F.No. 390/107/97-CX) dated 9.9.97. Copies of these circulars with enclosure of Law Ministry letter No. 34(6)-97-IWSU dated 12.5.971 are enclosed for ready reference.
During the meeting with Commerce Minister held on 23rd October, 1997 to discuss the problems of the exporters, it was pointed out that clearance of export goods under the Export Promotion Scheme, logging of DEEC Books and payment of Drawback were delayed on account of frequent drawl of samples and the inordinate time taken to issue Test Reports. It was explained that Mumbai Custom