Circular No. 343/59/97-CX I am directed to draw your attention to Board”s Circular NO. 209/43/96-CX (F.No. 209/62/95-CX.6) dated 9.5.96 vide which rebate in respect of duty element suffered on processing of cotton fabrics used for manufacture of made-up articles exported was allowed to be claimed by the exporters of such made-ups. Similar facility facility was extended to exporters of man-made fabrics/ sarees. A doubt has been raised whether after the issue of notification No. 49/96-Cus. (N.T.) dated 22.10.96, the aforesaid Circulars are valid.
It has brought to the notice of the Board by the C & AC that certain 100% EOUs or the Export Houses through which the export were routed have availed of the benefits of Advance Licence Scheme also and thus the same exports were being Counted towards fulfilment of export obligation under both the Schemes viz EOU as well as Advance Licence Scheme