rovided that both supplying and receiving unit shall maintain account for the quantity of consumables and raw materials used in generation of each unit of power so transferred as quantified on the basis of norms approved by the said Board, for the purpose of calculation of Net Foreign Exchange earning as a Percentage of Export.
Attention is invited to Circular No. 10/ 97-Cus dated 17th April, 1997 whereby detailed guidelines for operation of Duty Entitlement Pass-Book Scheme were issued. The said Circular provides for the exporters to declare in the Shipping Bill, the Serial No. of the export products in the Public Notice issued by the DGFT and the rate claimed. It was further provided that correctness of this declaration
I am directed to refer to notification No. 158 / 95 Customs dated 14.11.1995 for exemption from the whole of duties of Customs on goods manufactured in India, when reimported into India for the purpose of repairs, reconditioning, reprocessing, refining, remaking or similar other process and to say that doubt has arisen whether the period of six months shall be calculated from the date of filling