Circular No. 293/9/97-CX It has been represented to the Board that after issue of Notification 25/96-CE dt. 31.08.96, the all the copies of the invoices issued by the dealers have to be boldly marked as FIRST STAGE DEALER and SECOND STAGE DEALER, as the case may be. Since the assessees already have huge stock of stationary printed, they may be allowed to use the old stationary, otherwise reprinting would cause great financial burden on the assessees
Circular No. 292/8/97-CX It is been reported to the Board that Natural Gasoline Liquid (NGL) is a highly volatile item and losses are noticed due to evaporation during the course of loading, unloading, transportation and warehousing / storage of this item and therefore a Condonation limit for storage losses, transit losses and handling losses should be prescribed by the Board as in the case of some other petroleum products.