Circular No. 137/4895-CX Registration of dealer should not be insisted where the dealer is indenting dealer and on his instruction goods are directly moving under rule 52A invoice of manufacturer to end use consignee.
Circular No. 708-Income Tax Reference is invited to the Board’s Circular No. 644, dated 15-3-1993 (see Sl. No. 371) wherein it was clarified that the expenditure on provision of food or beverages by an employer to the low-paid employees will not be treated as entertainment expenditure within the meaning of the Explanation under section 37(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 even if the facility is provided in places other than the place of work provided the same is provided during the working hours and the expenditure is genuine
Issues relating to Modvatable Invoices pertaining to Notifications No. 23/95-CE (NT) and 24/95-CE (NT) both dated 30.5.1995 raised by the Trade and Industry and Principal Collector, Bombay – Regarding