Notification No. G.S.R.896(E)-Income Tax Whereas, the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary and expedient so to do in public interest to make reduction in the rate in respect of income-tax in favour of any person, being an Indian company, with whom the Central Government has entered into an agreement for the association or participation of that Government or any person authorised by that Government in any business consisting
Circular No. 640-Income tax Clause (10C) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, deals with income-tax exemption on payments received at the time of voluntary retirement. The provisions of this clause which covered earlier only the payments received by employees of public sector companies have been amended by the Finance Act, 1992, to include therein the payments received by employees of companies other than public sector companies also
Action initiated by the exchange against the erring companies. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this letter.