Deadline for Aadhaar linking of UAN extended till 31.12.2021 for Establishments in NORTH EAST and certain class of establishments. Please check the circular below: EMPLOYEES‘ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION No. BKG-27/5/2021-BKG/ Date: 11.09.2021 To, The Addl. CPFCs of the Zones, RPFCs in charge of Regional Offices Officer in charge of the District Offices Subject: Aadhaar seeding […]
(1) These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) First Amendment Regulations, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and Food Business Operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations by 17th November, 2021.
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Financial Services) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 10th September, 2021 S.O. 4145(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993, (51 of 1993), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry […]
Seeks to rescind the notification No. 34/2021- Customs dated 29.06.2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) New Delhi, the 10th September, 2021 Notification No. 43/2021-Customs G.S.R. 625(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary […]
Notification No. 42/2021-Customs– Seeks to amend the notification No. 50/2021-Customs dated 30.06.2017 and notification No. dated 11/2021 dated 01.02.2021 in order to reduce and rationalise the import duties on Palm, Sunflower and Soya-bean oils . MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) New Delhi, the 10th September,2021 Notification No. 42/2021-Customs G.S.R. 624(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by […]
Case No. AD (NSR)-01/2021(New Shipper Review) Initiation of New Shipper Review under Rule 22 of the Anti- Dumping Rules for determination of the individual dumping margin for M/s. Al-Razi Chemical Complex Limited (Producer-cum-Exporter) in the matter of anti-dumping duty imposed on the imports of “Hydrogen Peroxide” originating in or exported from Bangladesh.
Case No. AD (OI) – 13/2021 Initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Stainless-Steel Seamless Tubes & Pipes originating in or exported from China PR.
Case No. AD (SSR)-24/2021] Initiation of Sunset Review of anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of Amoxycillin/Amoxycillin Trihydrate, originating in or exported from China PR.
Central Government hereby specifies that, Air India Limited (PAN: AACCN6194P) shall not be considered as ‘seller’ for the purposes of sub-section (1H) of section 206C of the said Act in relation to transfer of goods by it to Air India Assets Holding Limited (PAN: AAQCA4703M) under a plan approved by the Central Government. MINISTRY OF […]
Central Government hereby specifies that no TDS shall be deducted under section 194Q in case of transfer of goods by Air India Limited to Air India Assets Holding Limited under a plan approved by the Central Government. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) New Delhi Notification No. 107/2021-Income Tax | […]