These regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
These Regulations may be called the Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
These regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investor Protection and Education Fund) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Ref No: IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/58/2/2023 Dated:27.02.2023 To All General Insurers (except ECGC, AIC) and Stand-alone Health Insurers Re: Product for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Persons afflicted with HIV/AIDS, and those with Mental Illness 1. Reference is drawn to the following sections of the Statutes mentioned below: a. Section 21(4) of the Mental […]
THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUTANTS OF INDIA (Set up by an Act of Parliament) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 25th February, 2023 No. 1-CA (7)/204/2023.— In pursuance of the Regulation 159 (1A) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is pleased to notify the setting up of […]
The Government of Karnataka on February 24, 2023, notified that bill Karnataka Tax on Profession, Trades, Callings and Employments (Amendment) Act, 2023 to further amend the Karnataka Tax on Profession, Trades, Callings, and Employments Act, 1976. As per the notified schedule of the amended professional tax act, the limit to deduct the professional tax has […]
Agencies seeking to become requesting entities to use the authentication facility provided by the Authority shall apply for appointment as requesting entities in accordance with the procedure as may be specified by the Authority for this purpose from time to time provided that the purpose, for which authentication services are required, is permitted under the provisions of Sections 4(4) (b) (i) or 4(4) (b) (ii) or 4(7) or 7 of the Act
These regulations may be called the Aadhaar (Pricing of Aadhaar Authentication Services) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 (No. 2 of 2023).
A Unit in an International Financial Services Centre, authorised to undertake aircraft leasing activity, if allowed by the International Financial Services Centre Authority not to maintain separate office, may utilise office space or manpower or both, of another unit set up in International Financial Services Centre authorised to undertake aircraft leasing activity, as may be approved by the Authority
CBIC Exempted Customs Duty and IGST leviable on ‘vessels and other floating structures for breaking up’ Vide Notification No. 13/2023-Customs Dated: 23rd February, 2023. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) New Delhi Notification No. 13/2023-Customs | Dated: 23rd February, 2023 G.S.R. 124(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the […]