This has reference to IFSCA’s circular F.No.329/IFSCA/Bullion MIIs/2021 dated September 17, 2021 regarding the captioned subject. It has been decided to extend the 6 month period specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the aforementioned circular by an additional period of 6 months i.e., till July 28, 2023.
National Stock Exchange of India Circular Ref No: NSE/CML/2023/11 – Date: January 27, 2023 The Company Secretary All Listed Companies Subject: Filing of announcements in XBRL format on NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) platform. With reference to the captioned subject various circulars were issued by Exchange(s) for seeking comments/feedback from listed companies on XBRL […]
BSE via circular dated January 27th 2023 has introduced the facility for filings of certain announcements in XBRL format. The said fillings are related to disclosures under REG 29 & REG 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. Following Announcements are to be made in XBRL Format: Prior Intimation of the Board Meeting. (under REG 29) […]
The listed entities to whom the provisions of Regulation 24A of SEBI(LODR) Regulations, 2015 are applicable, the Secretarial Auditor of those entities shall also specifically confirm compliance with the requirement of SDD by the listed entities in its Annual Secretarial Audit Report. Listed companies are advised to bring to the knowledge of their Secretarial Auditor the above requirement.
In many cases, the banks are yet to inform the customers about the need for renewal of agreements before January 1, 2023. Further, there is a need for revision in the Model Agreement drafted by the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) to fully comply with the revised instructions.
RBI designate all Sovereign Green Bonds issued by the Government in the fiscal year 2022-23 as ‘specified securities’ under FAR.
In Paper, there are no small volume/high value goods on which Air-Cargo is justified. Therefore, registration under PIMS shall be mandatory regardless to mode of transportation.
It is clarified that dividend criteria as stipulated under Regulation 3(a)(4) and 3(a)(5) of IRDAI (Investment) Regulations, 2016 read with Clause 1.11 of IRDAI Investment Master Circular dated October 27, 2022 applicable to Demerged Company
As you are aware, Subsidence and Landslide have caused loss to property in some areas in the State of Uttarakhand. There is an urgent need for the general insurers to take immediate steps to mitigate the hardships of the affected insured population by ensuring immediate registration and settlement of eligible claims.
In order to promote consistency, comparability and reliability in disclosures concerning ESG schemes and ensure ESG schemes in IFSC are true to their label, IFSCA has issued a circular today requiring ESG schemes to make certain initial and periodic disclosures.