Government has issued Order granting the benefit of reimbursement of State GST (SGST) on Cinematographic shows of Kannada Cinema titled 777 Charlie exhibited in Cinema theatres/Multiplex theatres in the State of Karnataka for a period of six months from 19-06-2022 subject to the conditions mentioned in the said G.O.
International Financial Services Centres Authority Circular No. 329/IFSCA/DPM/TS/2022-23/1 | Dated: June 17, 2022 To, All the Bullion Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) in IFSC All the Market Intermediaries in IFSC All the Banking Units in IFSC Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Clarification on investment in Bullion Depository Receipts (BDR) on India International Bullion Exchange (IFSC) Limited (IIBX) through the […]
Government of India, in consultation with RBI, has decided to issue Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme 2022-23 in tranches
On a review of implementation of the e-mandate framework and the protection available to customers, it has been decided to increase the aforesaid AFA limit from ₹5,000/- to ₹15,000/-per transaction.
CBDT issued Guidelines for removal of difficulties under sub-section (2) of section 194R of the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Circular No. 12 of 2022-Income Tax | Dated 16th, June, 2022. F. No. 370142/27/2022-TPL Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes), New Delhi ********* Circular No. 12 of 2022-Income Tax […]
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India 7th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001. Circular No. No. IBBI/IU/51/2022 | Dated: 15th June, 2022 To Information Utility (By mail to registered email address and on the website of the IBBI) Dear Madam /Sir, Subject: Application under Rule 4, 6 or 7 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudication […]
Given that a significant part of the premium is being accounted on estimation basis, a need is felt to lay down guidelines to govern the accounting and disclosures of premium recognized on estimation basis in the annual report.
Investors subscribing to mutual fund units on or after August 1, 2022, shall have the choice of: a. Providing nomination in the format specified in fourth schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 (or) b. Opting out of nomination through a signed Declaration form
MAHARASHTRA REAL ESTATE REGULATORY AUTHORITY No. MahaRERA/Secy/143/2022 Dated: 13/06/2022 Notification-cum-Advisory Sub: – Upgradation of MahaRERA IT System Promoters and Real Estate Agents are hereby informed that MahaRERA is upgrading its IT System in the matter of application registration process relating to applications submitted for registration of real estate projects as well as for real estate […]
remium receivables related to State / Central Government sponsored schemes for all quarters of the FY 2022-23 and onward to the extent that they are not realized within a period of 365 days shall be placed with value zero.