Refund of default fee to the RD depositors whose accounts are operated through MPKBY agents shall be done centrally by CEPT, Chennai. The default fee collected on 01.09.2022 and 02.09.2022 shall be refunded and credited into the MPKBY Agents’ commission credit savings account concerned.
In some of the cases, where tax and penalty has been paid by Un-Registered Persons (URP/ URD’s) based on the order of vigilance / enforcement authorities and the same was decided in favour of the URP/URD at the appellate authority (JCCT- Appeals)
CBIC decided to introduce RMS generated uniform examination orders at all Customs stations across the country. This functionality is expected to enhance the uniformity in examination, and lower the time taken in the process as well as reduce associated costs.
Post allotment, the REIT shall make an application for listing of the units to the stock exchange(s) and the units shall be listed within two working days from the date of allotment
Post allotment, the InvIT shall make an application for listing of the units to the stock exchange(s) and the units shall be listed within two working days from the date of allotment
In the event of death of Karta of HUF, the name of the deceased Karta in the Beneficial Owner (BO) account shall be replaced by the new Karta of the HUF who in such a case shall be eldest coparcener in the HUF or a coparcener who is appointed as Karta by an agreement reached amongst all the coparceners of the HUF
PMS Regulations 24 (3A) provide that Portfolio Manager shall ensure compliance with prudential limits on investment as specified by SEBI
Securities and Exchange Board of India Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD2/P/CIR/2022/ 113 | Dated: August 25, 2022 To All Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) registered with SEBI Dear Sir/ Madam, Sub: Enhanced Disclosures by CRAs and Norms on Rating Withdrawal I. SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999 (“CRA Regulations”) provide for a principle-based regulation of CRAs focusing inter alia on […]
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Circular no: PFRDA/2022/19/SUP-CRA/6 | Dated: Aug 25, 2022 To, All the NPS stakeholders Subject: Changes in process flow of e-Nomination for the benefit Government / Corporate Sector Subscribers PFRDA had introduced e – Nomination facility for the benefit of NPS Subscribers vide its communication dt. 03.09.2020. 2. The existing […]
i. IBUs may issue Debit cards to their customers holding a Current or Savings account with them. ii. Withdrawal of cash in IFSC, using Debit cards issued by IBUs, is not permitted. Withdrawal of cash using Debit cards issued by IBUs, in jurisdictions outside IFSC, is permitted subject to the rules and regulations of the said jurisdiction.