As part of the operational risk management, these MIIs are required to set up Disaster Recovery (DR) site to provide essential facilities and perform systemically critical functions relating to trading, clearing and settlement in securities market during any unforeseen circumstances.
PFRDA provides digitally enabled exit solutions for its Subscribers through Aadhaar / Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Under NPS, the Subscribers at the time of exit can avail of a defined amount as a lump sum and the balance amount has to be utilized for the purchase of immediate Annuity from the empanelled Annuity Service Providers (ASP)
AA is Non-Banking Finance Company that provides service of retrieving or collecting financial information from Financial Information Providers (FIP) pertaining to a customer and consolidating, organizing and presenting such information to the customer or any other Financial Information User (FIU), on the basis of explicit consent of the customer.
During the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of Online Bond Platforms (OBPs), offering debt securities (obtained through subscriptions to public issues / private placements and through secondary market), to non-institutional investors.
Primary responsibility for ensuring timely filing of returns rests with the Assessing Officer. With the help of sub-ordinates, he should secure compliance of the filing of returns.
Securities and Exchange Board of India Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2022/153 Dated: November 11, 2022 To, All Depositories All Recognized Stock Exchanges All Recognized Clearing Corporations Madam / Sir, Sub: Handling of Clients’ Securities by Trading Members(TM) / Clearing Members (CM) 1. In order to protect clients’ funds and securities and to ensure that the Stock Broker segregates securities […]
Applicability of GST on fees remitted to SEBI – Revision in Chapter – XX of Operational Circular for issue and listing of Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper
The notice in Section 129(3) is provided for under FORM GST MOV-07 and the order is given in FORM GST MOV-09. The order in FORM GST MOV-09 raises a demand for penalty, and this demand is reflected as FORM GST DRC-07.
n IP is required to prominently state in all his communications, whether by way of public announcement or otherwise to a stakeholder or to an authority, his name, address, email, Registration Number etc.
Under Get Quote page of Exchange Website of Listed Entity, wherever listed, would display that company is non-compliant with SDD, from next trading day till Exchanges have satisfactorily verified that company has completely complied.