Goods and Services Tax : Attempting to understand if there is a refund of unutilised ITC on Works Contract for Construction Services under the GST regime? ...
Goods and Services Tax : Stay updated on GST changes effective July 18, 2022, including revised rates for Works Contract Services. Explore amendments to Re...
Income Tax : Understanding Income Tax implications in unregistered Joint Development Agreements (JDA). Explore the tax challenges pre-Finance A...
Goods and Services Tax : The taxpayer had charged GST at the rate of 18% on the supply and installation of furniture in the government department. However,...
Goods and Services Tax : GST on Works Contract Services Pertaining To Machinery For Processing of Agricultural Produce In an Application filed before AAR u...
Goods and Services Tax : We are happy to inform that the Last Workshop in the above series is being organised on the following Themes: Audit, Investigation...
Goods and Services Tax : Karnataka High Court's ruling on Prime Location Charges (PLC) and Floor Rise Charges (FRC) under KVAT Act, their exemption from ta...
Goods and Services Tax : Since the question of whether the transactions in issue constitute works contracts or sales would involve an examination of the co...
Service Tax : CESTAT held that no Service Tax could be levied on construction of residential complexes prior to 01.07.2010 even when service is ...
Service Tax : Ram Sewak Tiwari Vs Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Central GST (CESTAT Delhi) The issue in the matter is about the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Works contract for fitting out or implanting of prosthetics into the physiology or the body of the patient for alleviation of pain...
Article explains Meaning of job work under GST Law, Classification of job-work transaction as supply of goods or service for GST, Treatment of job work transactions in GST in diffrect Scenarios i.e. (a. Supply of goods from Principal to Job worker & returned by job worker within specified time b. Supply of goods from Principal to Job worker and returned by job worker after specified time
One of the most disputed or major areas of concern for both taxpayers and authorities in the earlier regime was ‘works contract’. In simple terms, it means a contract which has both the elements of good as well as service and which is undertaken for the construction etc of ‘immovable property’. Earlier this was the […]
Article explains What is works contract,? Works contract – Goods or services?, Block ITC on Procurement Of Works Contract services?, Maintenance of accounts by registered person executing works contract and GST Rates for Works Contract.
All these appeals are filed by the same appellant, namely, M/s. India Hume Pipe Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the assessee). The singular issue that arises is also identical in all these appeals. The only reason for filing number of appeals is that the said issue pertains to different Assessment Years.
Whether the movement of goods in pursuance of Works contract constituted inter-State trade as well as sale/ purchase in the course of import, covered by Section 3(a) and Section 5(2) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 and thus, exempt under the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004.
1. There is a transfer of property in goods involved in the execution of such contract, and 2. Such transfer of property in goods is leviable to tax as sale of goods (such as sales tax, VAT or WCT, etc.). It must be noted that the words which are used here are leviable to tax as sale of goods’, therefore, it is not necessary that VAT has been actually paid on the transfer of property involved in such contract.
We are happy to inform that the Last Workshop in the above series is being organised on the following Themes: Audit, Investigation, Imprisonment and Power to Arrest provisions by multiple wings of Service Tax and Excise Department Customs – Drawback, Refund, and Imposition of various Customs duties and Implication of Import/ Export of Goods or […]
The works contract service has always been a subject matter of debate or discussion, either in computation of tax under VAT Act or under Service Tax Act and more importantly after the introduction of reverse charge mechanism, where both service provider and service recipient is the person liable to pay tax. In this article I […]
A works contract is an agreement which is a mixture of service or labour and transfer of goods. Under a works contract the contractor agrees to do certain job in execution whereof, certain goods are transferred to the contractee. Thus, an agreement of building construction, manufacture, processing, fabrication, erection, installation, repair or commissioning of any movable or immovable property, is a works contract.
Primary Condition for classifying the service under works contract is that the contract shall involve transfer of property in goods in executing such contract which should be leviable to tax as sale of goods. The contract is for the purpose of carrying out construction, erection, commissioning, installation, completion, fitting out, improvement, repair, renovation, alteration of any movable or immovable property.