Finance : Learn about stock price volatility, its causes, and effective strategies like diversification, hedging, and informed investing to ...
Finance : Investing in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) can be an exciting opportunity for investors looking to tap into the potential of new...
Finance : Ready for your first trade? Discover 7 essential tips to navigate the trading world with confidence, reduce risks, and make inform...
Finance : Stock picking often feels like a high-stakes game, where the thrill of potential gains is tempered by the stress of making the rig...
Finance : An order book refers to the orders a company has received to manufacture goods or provide services. These orders will be converted...
SEBI : All cash benefit distributions are being processed outside the depository system. Thus, no information is available in the demat a...
Income Tax : JCIT vs Amandeep Singh Bhatia: ITAT Indore dismisses revenue's appeal, affirming CIT(A)'s deletion of Rs. 2,48,02,084/- addition a...
Income Tax : The issue under consideration is Unlisted shares sold after holding for 23 months considered as Long Term Capital Gains or Short T...
Income Tax : In the instant case, all the shares have been bought by the assessee in the regular course of his business, employing common funds...
Income Tax : The intent and purport of the CBDT circular No.4/2007 dated 15.06.2007 is to demonstrate that a tax payer could have two portfolio...
Income Tax : The AO held the assessee to be a trader in shares & assessed the gains as business profits on the ground that (a) there was h...
SEBI : The Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has said that 'in-person' verification of clients is a mandatory requirement for ope...
Hello Readers, Hope you had read the 1st Part of Basics, if not, to click here read it. Basics of Stock Market – Part I Today, we will discuss about the types of Financial Instruments: As already mentioned in the previous part, the financial instruments are categorized into 2 parts: Debt based Instruments Equity based […]
With the changing technology and extensive use of artificial intelligence day by day, the global marketplace has become more accessible than ever before. With the broker assistance and right kind of software, you can trade stocks, derivatives and currency easily. The investing style depends on the preference, goals and funds available with the investor. Some […]
What is Stock Market? The stock market refers to the collection of markets and exchanges where the issuing and trading of equities (stocks of publicly held companies), bonds and other sorts of securities takes place, either through formal exchanges or over-the-counter markets. Also known as the equity market, the stock market is one of the […]
I am writing this post regarding what are the points to be considered before investing and same includes General Observation, News, economy Trend, Sectoral Trend, Analysis from Various Stock Screeners, Certain Extraordinary Situations, Your Area of Expertise, Competitive Edge, Fundamental and Technical Analysis and The Sense.
There are numerous advantages of equity funding over debt funding for a business. It available in any difficult financial situation, in any amount with no requirement fixed, guaranteed, periodic repayments or no requirement of any security! They are based on the growth potential & merit of business!!
Ideally when you deal in Futures and Options, the transaction size is big but profits are too small. Therefore confusion prevails that whether these transactions can be termed speculative transaction or they are business losses or profits.
Share markets are a common conversation topic at all social gatherings. whether she is 20 or 50, or whether she is an engineer or doctor, everyone has her own opinion as to how and when to invest. This hype about the share market is to a considerable extent justified. Share markets apart from being a […]
Dematerialization is the process by which physical share certificates are converted into digital or electronic form. These dematerialized shares are held in demat account that is held with a depository. The basic need is to smoothen the process of buying, selling, transferring and holding shares and also about making it cost-effective. All the shares are […]
The Indiabulls Shubh is a discount broking platform which offers unlimited trading with subscription-based plans. The customers could pick from a range of subscription plans on both Intraday as well as Delivery.
Intraday trading is not as simple as it appears. One needs years of experience to understand how it works. Intraday trading involves purchase and sale of stock within a single trading day. The investor purchases stocks in order to earn profits by harnessing stock indices movement as opposed to investment purposes, which is common in […]