Company Law : Learn about Alteration of Share Capital: types, process, and its significance under the Companies Act of 2013. Understand how comp...
Income Tax : Unlock the complexities of Income Tax on Shares in this comprehensive guide. Explore classifications, Capital Gains, PGBP, and nav...
Company Law : Authorized share capital of the company is the maximum permissible limit set by the shareholders of the Company that allows the Co...
Finance : Uncover the findings of Hindenburg Research's 2-year investigation, alleging Adani Groups stock manipulation and accounting fraud ...
Finance : Explore the impact of Adani Groups sustainable practices on its financial performance. Learn about its comprehensive business mode...
Income Tax : As regards shares and other securities, the same can be held either as capital asset or stock-in-trade / trading asset or both. Ho...
SEBI : Forfeiture of shares is a process specified under Table-F (Articles of Association of a Company Limited by Shares) of Schedule I o...
Company Law : To prevent misuse of class action suits, the new Companies Act may specify a minimum number of shareholders or creditors of compan...
Company Law, Finance : Come September, the incorporation of companies or various regulatory filings will not be a cumbersome and time-taking exercise any...
Company Law : Companies cannot relist themselves on the bourses for up to ten years after their delisting, instead of two years as was the case ...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that benefit of deduction under section 80IC of the Income Tax Act available even in case of addition of uns...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata held that it is unjustified to assess share capital and share premium as unexplained cash credit u/s. 68 merely for h...
Company Law : Brillio Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Vs Registrar of Companies (NCLAT Delhi) NCLAT that the NCLT has erroneously held that the Applicati...
Income Tax : AO was duty bound to provide opportunity of cross-examination of witness, if he relied on statement of such witness to decide agai...
Income Tax : The issue under consideration is Unlisted shares sold after holding for 23 months considered as Long Term Capital Gains or Short T...
SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 - Amendment in...
SEBI : The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide circular ref. no. MRD/DoP/Cir-05/2007 dated April 27, 2007 made PAN the sol...
SEBI : Every member, who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter coming up for consideration at a meeting of the Committee, s...
Company Law : Notification of change in COMPANIES (APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS OF SECRETARY) RULES to increase the present limit of paid-up c...
Company Law : he application should be addressed to The Secretary, Department Of Company Affairs, of the Jurisdiction in which you are falling. ...
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide circular ref. no. MRD/DoP/Cir-05/2007 dated April 27, 2007 made PAN the sole identification number for all participants transacting in the securities market, irrespective of the amount of such transaction.
Every member, who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter coming up for consideration at a meeting of the Committee, shall disclose the nature of his interest at such meeting and such disclosure shall be recorded in the proceedings of the meeting of the Committee and such member shall not take part in any deliberation of the Committee with respect to that matter.
5. It would be appropriate to reproduce section 36(1)(viii) of the Act as it stood in the relevant assessment years i.e. A.Y.1997-98 in the following terms: – Section 36(1)(viii) : as it stood in the statute during the A.Y.(1997-98) 36(1) – The deductions provided for in the following clauses shall be allowed in respect of the matters dealt with therein, in computing the income referred to in section 28
Listed companies have to disclose to stock exchanges the voting rights break up of shareholders for each class of security issued, a SEBI amendment to the Equity Listing Agreement has specified. “It has been decided to amend clause 35 of the Equity Listing Agreement to provide additional format for disclosure of voting rights pattern in […]
Clearing shareholders‘ confusion over returns they get from equities, market regulator SEBI on Friday made it mandatory for companies to declare dividend on per share basis, besides prescribing a uniform procedure for dealing with unclaimed shares. “It has been decided to mandate that listed companies shall declare their dividend on per share basis only,” SEBI said while issuing […]
In commercial sense, even tax losses are valued assets and hence need to be carefully evaluated at the time of acquisition. Recently, the Pune Tribunal in case of DaimlerChrysler India (DIPL) examined the provision relating to carry forward and set-off of losses under Section 79 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in the backdrop of […]
An allotment of shares is a “creation” of shares and not a transfer of shares. There is a vital difference between the two. An allotment is the creation of shares by appropriation out of the unappropriated share capital to a particular person.
The merger of Reliance Pertroleum (RPL) with Reliance Industries (RIL) is the latest in a long string of amalgamations and mergers that have taken place over time in the Reliance group. As per the arrangement announced by RIL, RPL shareholders of RPL will get one share of RIL for every 16 RPL shares held by […]
The Appellant filed a Civil Suit upon refusal by the Second Respondent Company to register shares transferred by the First Respondent in the name of the Appellant on the ground that the signature of the transferor did not tally with the signature in the company records. The transferor did not contest the suit and the trial court passed a decree in favour of the Appellants.
The Appellant, a State level institution incorporated for the purpose of development of industries in the State, was an equity shareholder in the Third Respondent Company. The company was referred to the Board For Industrial Reconstruction (BIFR) for the purpose of framing a scheme for rehabilitation. The Board approved the draft revival scheme and circulated the scheme seeking suggestions and objections of the shareholders including the Appellant.