Income Tax : Explore recent Supreme Court rulings (2023) on income tax issues. Highlights of key cases, analysis, and implications....
Income Tax : Explore deductions under Sections 80IA to 80IE for A.Y 2021-2025. Understand provisions, eligibility, quantum, and conditions. Sim...
Income Tax : Explore the rules and challenges of Domestic Transfer Pricing (DTP) in India. Learn about legal definitions, threshold limits, app...
Income Tax : Penalties for failing to maintain records of specified domestic transactions. Learn about arm's length pricing & essential documen...
Income Tax : Tax planning while setting up of a business with reference to location (2021-2022 A.Y, A.Y 2022-2023 , A.Y 2023-2024 and A.Y 202...
Income Tax : Section 80-IA [4 (iii)] of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides for a tax holiday for 10 out of 15 years in respect of profits of any...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has amended the Industrial Park Scheme 2008 and Rule 18C of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 to...
Income Tax : The Government has decided that telecom companies offering 3G services will not be allowed to claim tax breaks under Section 80 IA...
Income Tax : Rajasthan High Court held that profits and gains generated by captive consumption of electricity is eligible for deduction under s...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that where Commissioner (Appeals) passed ex-parte order in violation of principles of natural justice, one mor...
Income Tax : Deduction under section 80IA(4) couldn't be denied solely due to the delayed filing of Form 10CCB, as the audit report was filed b...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad dismisses penalty for disallowance of deduction under section 80IA(4), ruling in favor of the assessee as a develop...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court held that revision proceedings under section 263 of the Income Tax Act righty invoked as claim was accepted by a...
Income Tax : Section 80-IA(4)(iii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 - Deductions - Profits and gains from Industrial Infrastructure Undertakings, et...
Income Tax : Notification No. 78/2010-Income Tax [F.No.178/100/2008-ITA-I], dated 11-10-2010 Government hereby notifies M/s. Marathon Nextgen ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 73/2010-Income Tax Whereas the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iii) of sub-sect...
Income Tax : Notification No. 66/2010-Income Tax in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iii) of sub-section (4) of section 80-IA of the...
Income Tax : Notification No. 54/2010-Income Tax Whereas the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iii) of sub-sect...
We find that, the AO accepts that the assessee is an infrastructure developer. But we look into the main objection of the AO that being a developer by itself is not enough to avail the deduction, but the assessee should have maintained, operated and handed it back to the government.
Mrs. Chitra Venkataraman, J. – The following are the questions of law raised by the assessee in the tax case appeal filed as against the order of the Tribunal relating to the Assessment Year 2001-02.
The respondent-assessee, in the present case, had in its return of income tax, claimed deduction under Section 80IA at Rs. 12.01 crores and Section 80HHC of the IT Act at Rs. 5.75 crores and declared the total income of Rs. 82.47 lacs. The AO allowed the deduction under Section 80IA to the tune of Rs. 14.04 crores and deduction under Section 80HHC to the tune of Rs. 2.42 crores.
In Item No. 1 of the list of articles or thing in Schedule XI, the items include beer, wine and other alcoholic spirits. The percentage of alcohol in the spirits is not given. With the same object the percentage of tobacco is also not given in ‘tobacco preparation’.
Gross total income of the assessee is at Rs. 8,03,26,598 lakhs after adjusting the losses suffered by it in the eligible as well as profits of the non-eligible units. There are no brought forward losses or unabsorbed depreciation. The claim of deduction under section 80-IA was in respect of eligible unit 4.14 MW wind energy division at Rs. 4,72,28,143 and the deduction u/s.80HHC of the Act was claimed in respect of other units at Rs.15,51,440.
Only primary fact was that the assessee had earned interest income. We are, however, of the opinion that in the context of the close connection between the petitioner and Aditya Medisales, the fact that the assessee was eligible for deduction under section 80IA of the Act and the interest income received from the sister concern had relevance to the provisions of section 80IA(10) of the Act, primary facts were not on record.
Supreme Court has reversed the High Court Judgment and held that Deduction u/s. 80-IA is not allowable on duty drawback amount. The issue involved is squarely covered by the decision of this Court in Liberty India v. CIT [2009] 317 ITR 218. Accordingly, the civil appeals filed by the department stand allowed with no order as to costs.
The deduction under section 80-IA(4)(iv)(c) is allowed for a period of ten years. The dispute in the present appeal is as to whether assessment year 2005-06 should be the first year in which the deduction should be allowed. It was clarified at the time of hearing of the appeal that from the assessment year 2006-07, the assessee has been getting the deduction under section 80-IA(4).
A short question which arises for determination in these civil appeals is, whether texturing and twisting of polyester yarn amount to ‘manufacture’ for the purpose of computation of deduction under Section 80IA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This question has been squarely answered by this Court in the case of CIT v. Emptee Poly-Yarn (P.) Ltd. [2010] 188 Taxman 188.
Neither Section 80HH nor Section 80I (as it then stood) statutorily obliged BRPL to maintain its accounts unit-wise and that it was open to BRPL to maintain its accounts in a consolidated form in order to put an end to the litigation between the Tax Department and the PSU we remit the case to the case to the AO