Income Tax : This blog explores the chargeability of Income from Other Sources (IFOS) under Section 56, its scope, types of income covered, tax...
Income Tax : Pre-Budget 2025: Addressing ambiguities in Virtual Digital Asset taxation, including cost of acquisition, loss set-off, gift valua...
Income Tax : Explore the definition of 'relative' under various Income Tax Act provisions and its implications for exemptions, deemed income, a...
Income Tax : Learn about taxable incomes under Income from Other Sources with provisions, deductions, and exceptions. Stay updated on tax guide...
Income Tax : Monetary gifts to individuals or HUFs exceeding ₹50,000 in a year are taxable unless received under specific exemptions like fro...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2024 proposes the sunset of Section 56(2)(viib) from April 2025, eliminating the tax on shares issued above face valu...
Income Tax : Amendment to section 56(2)(viib) of Act extending the applicability of section to issue of shares to non-residents has been made a...
Income Tax : CBDT proposes changes to Rule 11UA in respect of ANGEL TAX- Also proposes to notify Excluded Entities In the Finance Act, 2023, ...
Income Tax : IMB Certificate of Eligible Business is not a pre-requisite to avail the benefits of non-application of the provisions of clause (...
Income Tax : Representation for widening the scope of benefit in case of difference in agreement price and Circle Rate of property is upto 20 p...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules in Dharmesh Jhaveri's case: Stamp duty value at allotment date, not registration, to determine Section 56(2)(vii...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Income Tax : Interest income earned from staff loans and advances was incidental to the business of power generation and qualifies as “busine...
Income Tax : Karnataka HC remands Lalitamba Pattina Souharda Sahakari Niyamita’s case to AO, questioning denial of Section 80P deduction on i...
Income Tax : Assessee submitted share valuation report which was not as per rule 11UA but valuation of shares was done as per 'Adjusted Net Ass...
Income Tax : Notification regarding Income-tax Act Section 56(2)(viib) and assessment of Startup Companies. Clarifications for assessing recogn...
Income Tax : CBDT) amends Income Tax Rule 11UA regarding valuation of unquoted equity shares for tax purposes. Learn about changes in this amen...
Income Tax : Details of Sixteenth Amendment to Income Tax Rules (2023) on computation of income chargeable under life insurance policies as per...
Income Tax : In the Finance Act, 2023, an amendment was introduced in this provision to bring the consideration received from non-residents wit...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Notification No. 29/2023- Income-Tax specifying certain classes of persons for the purpose of sub-clause (ii) of th...
ITAT Ahmedabad held that the interest earned on the investment made with the Coopearitve Society which was carried out the banking business is eligible for deduction under section 80P(2)(d) of the Income Tax Act.
Delhi High Court held that the interest received on borrowed funds, which were temporarily held in interest bearing deposit, is a part of the capital cost and is required to be credited to Capital Work-in-Progress.
ITAT Ahmedabad dismisses Revenue’s appeal due to low tax effect under CBDT Circular No. 09/2024. The case involved taxability of interest income on project funds.
ITAT Nagpur held that interest income earned by co-operative society from its investments made with other co-operative bank is eligible for deduction under section 80P(2)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act. Accordingly, appeal of the assessee allowed.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that interest income earned from deposits with co-operative banks is allowable as deduction under section 80P(2)(d) of the Income Tax Act. Accordingly, the appeal is allowed.
As noticed earlier, the provisions of sec. 147 of the Act makes it mandatory that the AO should be clear about the alleged escapement of income while recording reasons for reopening of assessment.
The assessee is a souharda cooperative society duly registered under the Karnataka Souharda Sahakari Act, 1997 and is engaged mainly in the business of accepting deposits from members and lending credit facilities to its member.
Bombay High Court held that interest on delayed refund is payable as per section 56 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act (CGST Act) and the period for grant of interest would begin on expiry of 60 days from the date of the shipping bill.
Delhi High Court held that keeping in abeyance refund order by exercising powers conferred u/s. 108 of the CGST Act merely on the basis of intelligence regarding wrongful availment of ITC unjustified since pre-requisite conditions for invoking section 108 not satisfied.
The First Appellate authority further directed the assessing authority to reopen the assessment proceedings for the A.Y. 2010-11 and from 2012-13 onwards to disallow the set off of the claim of unabsorbed depreciation computed from 1998-99 onwards.