Income Tax : Section 50C: For property sales, if the sale price is lower than the value assessed by Stamp Valuation Authority, that value is co...
Income Tax : Discover the real implications of Section 50C and significant court rulings affecting real income taxation. Explore crucial tax de...
Income Tax : Learn about tax implications for sellers and buyers of immovable property. Understand capital gains, stamp duty, tax withholding, ...
Income Tax : Understand how Sec 50C & 43CA of Income Tax Act affect taxation of immovable property sales. Learn about capital gains, business i...
Income Tax : Income-Tax Implications for the Sellers, if any Immovable Property is Sold for a consideration less than Stamp Duty Value...
Income Tax : Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society has made a Representation on 'Suggestions for Amendments in the Income Tax Act', on 24th May...
Income Tax : In relation to computing capital gains tax liability on transfer of land or building, amendment made via the Finance Act, 2016 giv...
Income Tax : Rationalisation Of Section 50c To Provide Relief Where Sale Consideration Fixed Under Agreement To Sell- Section 50C makes a spec...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court ruled on V.S. Chandrashekar vs. ACIT regarding tax treatment of land transactions, applicability of Section 5...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore ruled on the taxability of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) in the case of Smt. Sowmya Sathyan vs. ITO, clarif...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune ruled on capital gains in Smt. Vimal Baburao Jadhav Vs ITO. The Tribunal held Section 50C inapplicable, recalculating LT...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court holds that Section 50C of the Income Tax Act does not apply to tenancy right transfers, dismissing the Revenueâ€...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules that Section 50C of the Income Tax Act does not apply to tenancy right transfers, dismissing the Revenue’s app...
Income Tax : Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amend...
ITAT Hyderabad held In the case of Shri Mohd. Imran Baig & others vs. ITO that it is now settled in favour of the assessee by the decisions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Sanjeev Lal and Smt. Shantilal Motilal V/s. CIT (365 ITR 389)
ITAT Jaipur held In the case of ITO vs. Tara Chand Jain that the right in land cannot be equated with the land or building. Therefore, it is concluded that section 50C is applicable to transfer of capital asset only in respect of land or building or both and is not applicable to right in land. In the present case
ITAT Held in ITO vs Tara Chand Jain that the amendment in sec 50C which inculcates word assessable would have prospective effect from the date of its insertion i.e from 01-10-2009 and would not have retrospective effect on the sale of property before 01-10-2009
Punjab & Haryana High Court in case of B.M.J Real Estate P. Limited held that where the consideration received or accrued as a result of transfer of capital asset being the land or building is less than the value adopted or assessed by the stamp valuation authorities
The Assessee sold immovable property for a sale consideration of Rs.13,70,000/-. The stamp duty valuation price was Rs.17,90,085/-. Accordingly AO invoking the provision of section 50C made addition on account of short-term capital gain.
Taxation whether direct or indirect in real estate sector always been a very critical issue due to different nature of this sector. In the recent past, there has been made lots of various provisions in the different tax laws to bring various activities, income, charges or fee etc. under tax regime.
Impugned order has been passed by the Ld. CIT under section 263 without considering the explanation offered by the assessee and without applying his mind. The failure of the Ld. CIT, however, does not constitute any legal infirmity to make the order passed by him under section 263 invalid
In the case of Masud Ahmed Qureshi v ITO it was held by ITAT Pune that whenever, there is a dispute regarding the valuation u/s 50C, it would be better to refer the matter to the Valuation Officer so that the proper report could be furnished regarding it.
Hon’ble ITAT Ahemdabad in the case of Nikunjkumar H.Jariwala v/s ITO in I.T.A. No. 2404/Ahd/2011 vide order dated 19/03/2015 has held that as per the mandate provisions of section 50C(2) of the Act, the AO was not justified in adopting the value of the property as adopted by the stamp valuation authority without referring to the DVO for ascertaining the fair market value of the property.
Tribunal has held that in case the income is to be computed as per sub-section (1A) of section 11 of the Act, if the net consideration for transfer of capital asset of a charitable trust is utilized for acquiring new capital asset, then the whole of the capital gain is exempt.