Income Tax : Learn if cash payments over ₹10,000 for electricity bills are allowed under Section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act. Understand exempti...
Income Tax : Section 40A(3) restricts cash payments exceeding ₹10,000 in business transactions. Exceptions apply for specific cases like tran...
Income Tax : Explore the rules and regulations governing cash transactions in real estate deals to ensure tax compliance. Learn about permissib...
CA, CS, CMA : जानें जीएसटी और आयकर एक्ट में नकद संव्यवहार के नि...
Income Tax : Dive into critical tax regulations and provisions, from related party payments to cash disallowance, and learn how they impact you...
Income Tax : It is suggested that there should be a positive provision under the I.T. Act that any transaction involving more than Rs.3,00,000/...
Income Tax : Assessee had given cash to her employee who was the supervisor or the agent who in turn made payment to the sellers of the gold an...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that once the unaccounted receipts from the sale of properties are subjected to taxation as part of the capita...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could not be invoked when cash is sourced out of recorded s...
Income Tax : A search and seizure action u/s.132 of the Act was conducted in the assessee's case on 14.11.2019. AO observed that during the cou...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that when the cash is sourced out of recorded sales, the provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could n...
The issue under consideration is whether the addition u/s 40A(3) for advance which is returned back to the customer in cash is justified in law?
whether the disallowance u/s 40A(3) of the Act for the alleged payment in cash in excess of the limit prescribed u/s 40A(3) of the Act for making payment for purchase of land is justified in law?
A number of new provisions have been introduced in the Income Tax Act from time to time to put restrictions on cash transactions as well as to incentivise the non-cash transactions. Cash transactions have always played a major role in the Indian Economy and consistently were responsible for generation and accumulation of Black Money. The […]
E-BOOK: KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO TO CASH TRANSACTIONS Article explain Restrictions on Cash Expenditure (Capital & Revenue), Incentives to encourage cashless business transactions, Restrictions on Cash Loans, Deposits & Advances, Restrictions on Cash Transactions in Real Estate, Restrictions on Income Tax Deductions, Restrictions on Cash Transactions of Rs. 2 Lacs or more, Mandating Acceptance […]
In order to restrict cash transactions, the government has come out with several provisions and related rules to prohibit various types of cash payments in the Finance Acts. The effects of restrictions under provisions of income tax act are as follows: Restrict cash transactions by disallowances of expenses or deduction under chapter VIA of income […]
CGST Act 2017 has no provision restricting cash transactions, but In order to, curb black money ,the government has imposed various restrictions on cash receipts /payments and cash withdrawal from time to time through Income Tax Act 1961. The Government has amended clause 84 of Section 194N vide Finance Act 2020 . Accordingly TDS @ […]
Gradually, the Indian Economy is getting digitalized and ultimately moving towards a cashless economy. Electronic transactions ensure a clear money trail and make it very difficult for tax evaders. In a bid to curb black money as well as limit the number of cash transactions, the Government from time to time has introduced many new […]
he auditors in their tax audit report have also not mentioned of any violation of provisions of section 40A(3), as these payments have been made on account of business expediency where insistence of cash by the agents and truck drivers has been established by the appellant.
Treatment of expenditures incurred by an assessee in excess of Rs. 20000/- (wef A.Y. 2018-19 Rs 10000/-) in cash or bearer cheque under section 40(A)(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
The assessee is engaged in the business of quarrying, processing/selling exporting of a granite block and slabs.