Income Tax : Learn about common income tax notices for salaried individuals, their implications, and steps to handle them effectively. Avoid le...
Income Tax : Supreme Court disallows ₹10 crore bad debt deduction for Khyati Realtors Pvt Ltd, ruling it as capital expenditure, not eligible...
Income Tax : Learn about rectifying mistakes in income tax orders under Section 154, including types of rectifiable orders, responsible authori...
Income Tax : Learn about the Faceless Income-Tax Proceedings, including e-Proceedings features, differences from manual assessments, and how to...
Income Tax : Understand the implications of receiving a notice under Section 143(2) of the Income Tax Act. Learn how to respond, time limits, a...
Income Tax : Read how Income Tax Gazetted Officers’ Association addresses last-minute case reallocations affecting timely issuance of notices...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court has ruled that it is mandatory for the Income Tax Department to issue notice within the prescribed time limit of...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that CIT(A) rightly restricted disallowance on account of unexplained bank deposit and withdrawal under sectio...
Income Tax : Held that the invoices issued by the assessee contained a barcode. A barcode on a tax invoice serves as a verification mechanism, ...
Income Tax : Assessee then filed returns in response to the notice under Section 148, claiming a deduction under Section 80P. AO disallowed the...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court held that reassessment proceeding u/s. 148 initiated against non-existing company is not sustainable in law in a...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act justifiable since no plausible explanation provided fo...
Income Tax : Understand the guidelines set by the Indian Ministry of Finance for the compulsory selection of returns for complete scrutiny duri...
Income Tax : CBDT hereby authorises the Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax/Deputy Commissioner of Income-tax (NaFAC) having her / his headqua...
Income Tax : The three formats of notice(s) are: Limited Scrutiny (Computer Aided Scrutiny Selection}, Complete Scrutiny (Computer Aided Scruti...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes, with approval of the Revenue Secretary, has decided to modify notice under section 143(2) of the In...
Income Tax : Instruction No.1/2015 Clarification regarding applicability of section 143(1D) of the Income-tax Act, 1961- Vide Finance Act, 2012...
In the case of Talshibhai B Narola vs. ITO, ITAT Ahmedabad ruled that income from nursery activities growing lawns, flower plants, and vegetable plants is agricultural, not business income.
Bombay High Court held that Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) could give directions only in pending assessment proceedings. Once assessment order is passed, DRP has not power to pass any direction.
ITAT Mumbai held that addition u/s 68 unsustainable as department failed to establish that assessee was involved in price manipulation even after purchasing and selling the shares on the stock exchange through SEBI registered stock.
Bombay High Court held that the reopening of the assessment order based on change of opinion without surfacing of any tangible new information is unsustainable in law and liable to be set aside.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that Sale/ conversion of business of assessee-firm as a going concern to company for consideration of paid up share capital does not amount to transfer liable to tax as capital gains.
ITAT Chennai held that addition towards unexplained money u/s 69A of the Income Tax Act unjustified as assessee has filed necessary evidence to explain nature and source for cash deposits.
ITAT Mumbai held that the benefit under section 35(2AB) of the Income Tax Act is also available in respect of expenditure on clinical trials outside the approved in-house R&D facility.
ITAT Mumbai held that since the assessee has not earned any dividend income from its equity investment during the year disallowance of expenditure under section 14A of the Income Tax Act read with Rule 8D of the Income Tax Rules is not sustainable.
Read full text of Supreme Court’s order in Sapna Flour Mills Ltd vs. Union of India & Ors, disposing of special leave petition with liberty to revive in future.
Learn about the validity of re-assessment without notice u/s 143(2) in the case of Gonuguntla Nirmala Devi vs. ACIT. Explore the full text of the ITAT Hyderabad order.