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SAT judgments

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Securities Appellate Tribunal- An Overview

SEBI : Learn about the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) and its role as a statutory and autonomous body under the SEBI Act. Understand...

October 22, 2022 28017 Views 0 comment Print

Case Analysis of V.K. Kaul Vs. Adjudicating Officer (SAT)

SEBI : Article analyse landmark case of V.K. Kaul v. Adjudicating Officer Securities & SEBI. This case was decided on 8th of October 20...

June 11, 2022 4944 Views 0 comment Print

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) – An Overview

SEBI : Securities Appellate Tribunal is a statutory body established under the provisions of Section 15K of the Securities and Exchange B...

January 15, 2017 56191 Views 0 comment Print

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Satyam founder B Ramalinga Raju gets 6-month sentence in SFIO case

CA, CS, CMA : A local court from Hyderabad on 08.12.2014 convicted Satyam founder B Ramalinga Raju, accused of one of the most sensational corpo...

December 9, 2014 5692 Views 0 comment Print

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Clarity on Appointing Directors Over 75: SAT Verdict in 20 Microns Limited Case

SEBI : Explore recent SAT verdict in 20 Microns Limited v. BSE Limited case on Regulation 17(1A) of LODR. Learn about implications and a ...

December 1, 2023 3030 Views 0 comment Print

Insider Trades in Companies Shares Not Induced by UPSI – Rigor of PIT Regulation 2015

SEBI : Dive into the Shreehas P Tambe vs. SEBI case, exploring insider trading regulations, violations, legalities, and the significant ...

November 26, 2023 1218 Views 0 comment Print

Breather For Vedanta’s Cairn In Alleged Buyback Fraud : SAT Reverses SEBI’s Order

SEBI : Vedanta Limited secures a victory as the Securities Appellate Tribunal overturns SEBI's fine. Details of the Cairn India buyback c...

October 11, 2023 1110 Views 0 comment Print

SAT reduces penalty for non-serious LODR violations

SEBI : A detailed analysis of SAT Mumbai's decision to reduce SecureKloud Technologies' penalty for non-serious LODR violations, and its ...

September 4, 2023 2673 Views 0 comment Print

Annual listing fee payable despite trading suspension: SAT

SEBI : SAT held that annual listing fee payable inspite of suspension on Trading of Securities. Listing & trading of securities are disti...

August 9, 2022 1671 Views 0 comment Print

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Govt. revises retirement age for Presiding officers of SAT

Corporate Law : No person is qualified to be appointed as the Presiding Officer- (a) of the Securities Appellate Tribunal established under the Se...

May 29, 2017 2274 Views 0 comment Print

Penalty for violation of takeover code to be imposed on each violator separately

December 20, 2012 2936 Views 0 comment Print

The allotment of shares on preferential basis to the appellants before us is not in dispute. The allotment of preferential shares was made to the connected parties as concluded by the adjudicating officer in the impugned order. The interconnection between them has also been clearly brought out by the adjudicating officer in the impugned order.

SAT – After justification of alleged manipulative transactions subsequent accusation of misuse of account by broker cannot absolve appellant from penalty

December 20, 2012 438 Views 0 comment Print

We agree with learned counsel for the respondent Board that the alibi, that appellant does not understand English is not acceptable as he has given all his information in the KYC form in English and has also signed the said application form in English. His reply dated January 27, 2009 to the show cause notice is also in English where he has admitted the trades and claimed that they were entered in the normal market condition and on the basis of price prevailing in the market at the time of trading.

Whether trader indulging in front running can be held guilty of violating regulations 3 and 4 of FUTP regulations?

December 17, 2012 750 Views 0 comment Print

Transactions impugned in the order of the adjudicating officer took place in the ordinary course of business through the stock exchange mechanism and there was no connivance with CGMMPL and there was no knowledge about the counter party and time of execution. According to him, the transactions were at the market rate and they were not dictated by any prior information from Mr. Suresh Menon as alleged. It was submitted by him that there was no “front running” in the transaction in the alleged scrips and the adjudicating officer wrongly held the appellants as violating regulations 3 and 4 of the FUTP Regulations.

One cannot buy and sell shares from himself

December 3, 2012 1035 Views 0 comment Print

The appellant has been found guilty of self trade as well. Self trades admittedly are illegal. This Tribunal has held in several cases that self trades call for punitive action since they are illegal in nature.

Penalty imposed by SEBI without providing statutory opportunities to appellant is breach of principles of natural justice

November 18, 2012 2544 Views 0 comment Print

Since every case is to be judged in the facts and circumstances of that case, one cannot hold the view that denial of inspection sought for by the appellant can be brushed aside on the ground of lack of prejudice or conclusion based on facts already considered in other orders relating to the appellants issued by the whole time member.

Whole Time Director not supposed to be ignorant of irregularities in financials

November 18, 2012 1960 Views 0 comment Print

On a consideration of the facts on record, it has to be concluded that the appellants have not acted in compliance with the statutory requirements of the director of a company. The director of a company is expected to exercise due care and diligence in the approval of documents brought on the table during Board meetings.

Written authorisation necessary to allow a third person to trade on behalf of client of broker

November 7, 2012 6187 Views 0 comment Print

The broker client agreement has got a statutory force since it is meant for observing the rules, bye-laws, regulations and circulars issued by the Exchange. In respect of instructions issued by an authorised representative specific reference is made to the letter authorising the said representatives.

SAT held Ranbaxy Director Guilty of insider trading

November 2, 2012 2865 Views 0 comment Print

It is highly improbable to believe the statement of Mrs. Bala Kaul that she bought shares of the target company because of its intrinsic value and strong fundamentals. If that was so, it is not clear, what made her sell these shares on April 10, 2008, when Solrex was still in the process of investing more money into the scrip of the target company.

Non-compete fees to form part of price offered to public shareholders if payment to promoters not justified

October 31, 2012 3185 Views 0 comment Print

It was argued by the appellants that the covenants in the non-compete agreement provide for both non-compete obligations as well as an obligation to maintain confidentiality. According to them, it is necessary and advisable to do so as a non-compete obligation without a corresponding obligation to maintain confidentiality, would render any non-compete agreement ineffective

Unless proved Share Broker cannot be held Guilty of Circular Trading

July 20, 2012 1498 Views 0 comment Print

It has been specifically pleaded by the appellant that during the investigation period, i.e. in the year 2002, there was no software available for carrying out long or real time surveillance and it was not possible to carry out surveillance of thousands of transactions of all clients on a daily basis. It has also been pleaded by the appellant that the impugned trades in the scrip of the company were done on behalf of its clients and the intra day trading was the normal/usual pattern of the trading adopted by the said client. The appellant had not entered into any proprietory trades in the scrip.

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