DGFT : Learn about the RODTEP Annual Return, filing guidelines, eligibility, and consequences for non-compliance with the scheme....
DGFT : The Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has introduced new guidelines under Paragraph 4.94 in Chapter 4 of the Handbook of Pr...
DGFT : Learn about the extension of the RoDTEP scheme for Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Advance Authorization Holders, and Special Econom...
Custom Duty : Learn about the Manufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse Regulations (MOOWR) Scheme, its advantages, disadvantages, applicati...
DGFT : Foreign Trade Policy update: DGFT extends RoDTEP benefits to AA, EOU, and SEZ units vide Notification No. 70/2023, dated March 8, ...
Custom Duty : CBIC's E-scrip module for digital access to RoSCTL and RoDTEP schemes. Step-by-step guide for exporters, including account creati...
DGFT : Commerce Ministry finally allowed RODTEP benefit to Chemical, Pharma and Steel Sector for the Exports transactions undertaken betw...
DGFT : Export Promotion Government is encouraging and promoting Indian exports in international markets and initiate suitable interventio...
DGFT : Government has released Rs 56,027 crore in order to clear pending export incentive dues to exporters, which is for various Schemes...
DGFT : Under the decisive leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi, Government of India has decided to budget Rs 56,027 c...
Custom Duty : DRISHTI module at JNCH improves monitoring of export proceeds, addressing issues with the RBI-BRC module for efficient recovery of...
DGFT : The Government extends the RoDTEP scheme for DTA and SEZ exports, with revised rates effective from October 10, 2024. Full details...
Custom Duty : CBIC extends export benefits like Duty Drawback, RoDTEP, and RoSCTL for courier shipments through ICES at International Courier Te...
Custom Duty : CBIC issues advisory suspending scrolls for IGST refund, RoDTEP, RoSCTL, and Drawback temporarily. Details and implications explai...
DGFT : India's RoDTEP scheme extension supports Advance Authorisation holders, EOUs, and SEZ units till 30.09.2024, enhancing export reba...
Government has constituted a Committee for a) determination of RODTEP rates for AA/EoU/SEZ exports and b) to give supplementary report/ recommendations on issues relating to errors or anomalies, with respect to the RODTEP Schedule of rates notified in the Appendix 4R.
Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) was introduced for the Exporters to make Indian products cost-competitive and create a level playing field for them in the Global Market by Refund un-refunded Taxes or Duties / Levies, not Exempted or Rebated at Present by any other Mechanism. Government Issued an Advisory on 1st Jan’2021, […]
The RoDTEP scheme rebates the incidence of duties, taxes and levies at the Central/State/local levels on specified export goods, where such duty or tax or levy is not exempted, remitted or credited under any other scheme. The remission under RoDTEP is as a percentage of the Free on Board (FoB) value of the eligible export product along with value caps for certain HS codes or is at specific value as detailed under Appendix 4R of the FTP.
Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) was introduced for the Exporters to make Indian products cost-competitive and create a level playing field for them in the Global Market by Refund un-refunded Taxes or Duties/Levies, not Exempted or Rebated at Present by any other Mechanism. Government Issued an Advisory on 1st Jan’2021, to implement […]
CBIC notifies the manner to issue duty credit for goods exported under the Scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) vide Notifications No. 76/2021- Customs (N.T.) dated : 23rd September, 2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) New Delhi, the 23rd September, 2021 Notifications No. 76/2021- Customs (N.T.) G.S.R. 655(E).—In exercise […]
Under the decisive leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi, Government of India has decided to budget Rs 56,027 crore in this Financial Year FY 21-22 itself in order to disburse all pending export incentives due to exporters. This amount includes claims relating to MEIS, SEIS, RoSL, RoSCTL, other scrip based schemes relating to earlier policies and the remission support for RoDTEP and RoSCTL for exports made in the 4th quarter of FY 20-21. Benefits would be disbursed to more than 45,000 exporters, out of which about 98% are small exporters in the MSME category.
Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme This is one such reform, based on the globally accepted principle that taxes and duties should not be exported, and taxes and levies borne on the exported products should be either exempted or remitted to exporters. The government had decided to discontinue MEIS–its largest export […]
D. Kalirajan The Central Government recently notified the much-awaited Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products Scheme (‘RoDTEP Scheme’) with retrospective effect i.e., for exports from 1 January 2021, with certain exclusions. The RoDTEP Scheme has been notified under Chapter 4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 (‘FTP’) which deals with the Duty Exemption/Remission […]
Though the exporters were opting the RoDTEP Scheme, they had no idea about the rates to be notified under the scheme. However, there was hope prevailing among all the stakeholders that the rate under the new scheme will not be less than MEIS, if not more than that.
The New Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme and Rates announced by The CBIC on 17th August in place of the MEIS Scheme has not lived up even to minimum expectations of Trade & Industry. The Rates of Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS) which were being dragged down over the […]