Finance : Compare LLP and Pvt Ltd in terms of taxation, compliance, auditing, and ownership. Understand key differences to choose the right ...
Company Law : Learn about the process & provisions for incorporating a subsidiary company in India, including necessary documents, regulations, ...
Company Law : Explore the new rule by MCA requiring private companies to dematerialize shares. Learn compliance steps, timelines, and benefits o...
Corporate Law : Explore the differences between Private Limited Company, LLP, and Partnership Firm to make informed choices for your business setu...
Company Law : Discover why choosing a Private Limited Company is a preferred option for raising funds in a startup business. Learn about equity ...
SEBI : Capital market regulator, SEBI today said both public and private sector companies will have to increase public shareholding to a ...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has decided to relax the norms for companies to maintain minimum paid-up capital. Accordin...
Company Law : Himachal Pradesh High Court held that stamp duty/ registration fee not leviable on conversion of public limited company to private...
Income Tax : 15. In so far as the assessee's contention that as the remuneration paid to the directors were increased in a properly called meet...
Company Law : Exemptions to Government Companies under section 462 of the Companies Act 2013 vide notification dated 02.03.2020. GOVERNMENT OF I...
Bangladesh, a neighbouring country to India and a member of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) adopts an ‘Open Door Policy’ to attract the foreign investors particularly through industrialization. The Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority popularly known as BEPZA is the administrative authority facilitates foreign investments in the EPZs. EXPORT PROCESSING ZONES At present, […]
A Private Company desires to convert its status to LLP Form shall foremost decide the designated Partners of the proposed LLP, as only the members can be the Partners of the converted LLP and of these members of the company at least two Partners would be the Designated Partners.. In case of Body Corporate who […]
Comparative Analysis between a Private Limited Company, One Person Company and Limited Liability Partnership S.No Particulars Private Limited Company One Person Company (OPC) Limited Liability Partnership(LLP) 1. Minimum Number of Directors and Shareholders Members/Shareholders – 2 Directors – 2 Note: Directors and members may or may not be same. Only a natural person can […]
In this article I will be discussing three forms of business in India and comparison of the same with each other so that those who are deciding to start a new business can compare the same with each other. These three types are as follows :- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) , Private Limited Company, One Person Company (OPC)
PROCESS OF CONVERSION OF COMPANY INTO LLP A Private Company may convert into LLP in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Third Schedule. Process as given below:
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are commercial vehicles which combine the features of partnership and company form of business .The concept of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has been introduced in India by way of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (notified on 31st March 2008).
Selection of name for the proposed company: The Promoters have to provide at least 6 names in the order of their preference/priority. The promoters can themselves search for the available names by visiting the MCA website.
Capital market regulator, SEBI today said both public and private sector companies will have to increase public shareholding to a minimum of 25 per cent by August 2013 and there will be no relaxation of the guidelines. SEBI Chairman Mr. U K Sinha told this to reporters on the sidelines of Bombay Stock Exchange function in Mumbai today.
Distinction Between A Public Company And a Private Company – Following are the main points of difference between a Public Company and a Private Company :- 1. Minimum Paid-up Capital : A company to be Incorporated as a Private Company must have a minimum paid-up capital of Rs. 1,00,000, whereas a Public Company must have a minimum paid-up capital of Rs. 5,00,000.
Guiding instructions for availability of names:-The procedure for scrutinizing the availability of names of new companies has recently been re-examined carefully in this Department, having taken into account the difficulties experienced by some Registrars in the following the instruction given to them vide Department’s Letter No 10/(19)-RS/61, dated 15-03-1962.