CA, CS, CMA : Greeting Students, This article is to help students who are preparing for their professional exams. The article would mainly Focus...
CA, CS, CMA : CA IPC Results of Nov 2013 term declares on 31st Jan, 2014. First of all, many congratulations to all students who passed the exam...
CA, CS, CMA : Applications for admission to Professional Competence Examination (PCE), Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE) and...
CA, CS, CMA : The Students who wish to apply for Verification of their answer books for the Chartered Accountants Examination held in May, 2010,...
CA, CS, CMA : The results of the Chartered Accountants Professional Education – II, Professional Competence Examinations and Integrated Profes...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announce that next Chartered Accountants Foundation, Intermediate and Final Examinations will be held on the dates and places...
CA, CS, CMA : An examinee of CA exams can apply for verification of his/her answer books, either physically in his/her own handwriting, or on-li...
CA, CS, CMA : PCE (Professional Competence Examination) candidates should note the changed sequence of papers (as given in the time table printe...
CA, CS, CMA : The results of the Chartered Accountants Professional Competence and Integrated Professional Competence Examinations held in Novem...
CA, CS, CMA : Candidates of November 2011 CA examinations Final, IPCE and PCE can submit their application for verification of answer books and ...
DGFT : With immediate effect, following para shall be added at the end of para 2 below Sl. No. 2.10 of Notification No. 56 /2009-2014 ...
CA, CS, CMA : Similarly Post Qualification Courses in Management Accountancy Course (MAC Part-I), Corporate Management Course (CMC –Part-I), T...
With immediate effect, following para shall be added at the end of para 2 below Sl. No. 2.10 of Notification No. 56 /2009-2014 dated 06.08.2010:-The above quantity of 2 lakh tones of wheat to Bangladesh will be exported by the PSUs of Department of Commerce viz. M/s. STC and M/s. PEC Ltd. as follows:
The results of the Chartered Accountants Professional Education Examination-II (PEE-II), Professional Competence (PCE) and Integrated Professional Competence Examinations (IPCE) held in May 2010 were declared recently.
The Students who wish to apply for Verification of their answer books for the Chartered Accountants Examination held in May, 2010, CPT held on June 20, 2010 and CPT Online held on July 24-25, 2010 are requested to note and follow the procedure as detailed below:
The results of the Chartered Accountants Professional Education – II, Professional Competence Examinations and Integrated Professional Competence Examination held in May, 2010 are likely to be declared tentatively on Wednesday, the 4th August, 2010 around 2 P.M. and the same as well as the merit list (candidates securing a minimum of 55% and above marks and upto the maximum of 50th Rank) on all India basis will be available on the following website:
The next Professional Competence Examination (PCE), Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE) and Final Examinations of the Institute will be held from 8th November-2010 to 22nd November-2010 at the following centres :
It is hereby informed that Paper -4 – Cost Accounting & Financial Management of Group-II of Professional Competence Examination and Paper-3 – Cost Accounting & Financial Management of Group-I of Integrated Professional Competence Examination held on 10th May-2010 in respect of candidates who had opted for Hindi medium stand cancelled due to an inadvertent typographical error in the question paper. The said examinations will now be held again on 22nd May-2010 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM . The venues of the examinations will remain unchanged. Admit Cards already issued would remain valid.
ICAI The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. ICAI conducts various examinations for take admission into various Accountancy Courses. ICAI Admit Card 2010 is available for C.A. Final, Final (New Course), PE-II, PCE, IPCE/ATC Examinations.
The next Chartered Accountants Examinations of the Institute will be held from 4th to 17th May, 2010. The sale of Examination Application forms for IPCE, PE-II, PCE and Final Examinations would commence from 08th February, 2010. The last date for sale and receipt of filled in application is 26th February, 2010 (without late fee) and 5th March, 2010 (with late fee of Rs. 500/- ).
The Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India Declares Results of Professional Education Examination (PEE-II), Professional Competence Exam (PCE), and Integrated Professional Education Examination (
November-2009 CA Examination Results:- The results of the Chartered Accountants Professional Education Examination-II (PEE-II), Professional Competence (PCE) and Integrated Professional Competence Examinations (IPCE) were declared recently.