CA, CS, CMA : पुरानी सरकारी लेखांकन विधियों के प्रभाव और एकल औ...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn about the Procure-to-Pay cycle and its accounting entries in Oracle Fusion ERP, detailing each step from requisition to paym...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore common Record-to-Report (R2R) interview questions and essential accounting entries like accrued expenses, prepaid expenses...
CA, CS, CMA : This study examines the appropriate methods for building construction and the sale of plots in a township, considering the positio...
Finance : Learn the detailed accounting procedures for issuing bonus shares, including necessary journal entries and their impact on financi...
CA, CS, CMA : Join our free webinar on foreign accounting and bookkeeping, led by expert CA Sachin Jain. Learn about opportunities, techniques, ...
CA, CS, CMA : The Council, at its 400th meeting, held on March 18-19, 2021, considered the matter relating to applicability of Accounting Standa...
CA, CS, CMA : Announcement providing Temporary Exceptions to Hedge Accounting prescribed under Guidance Note on Accounting for Derivative Contra...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Research paper on Money laundering and scams THROUGH Multi-State Urban Cooperative Credit Societies, Angadia’s & Banks in I...
CA, CS, CMA : The Credit Co-operative societies have misused various gaps of the system over period of time by tapping various regulations for c...
Income Tax : Change in method of accounting was bona fide and with the compliance of the Accounting Standard – AS 9 – Revenue Recognition i...
Income Tax : Method of Accounting regularly followed by the taxpayer which was accepted by the Tax Officer in past cannot be rejected in future...
Income Tax : We find that at the time of survey the sample processing was carried out and according to the sample processing, the bi-products c...
Income Tax : We have heard both the sides in detail. Thrust given by the C1T(A) on the mens rea reflected in the conduct of the assessee does n...
Income Tax : In the instant case, learned counsel for the Revenue is not in a position to demonstrate or satisfy us that due to the change of a...
ALL ABOUT GOODS IN TRANSIT (GIT) OR TRANSIT INVENTORY. The term Goods in Transit (or Transit inventory) refers to inventory items that have been shipped by the seller, but not yet received by the buyer. Transit inventory is an important component of company’s inventory valuation. GIT is booked in books of accounts on quarterly basis […]
Why Actuarial Services are required by Companies for Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans? This article is prepared to create general awareness about requirement of Actuarial Services for Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans amongst Professionals/Company Personnel involved in Finalization of Financial Statements. In Indian context, Companies needs to comply with Section 133 of Companies Act 2013 […]
Dear Entrepreneurs this title may sound very odd to you. And why not so when most of the Business gurus, Business Owners, Management consultants consider Marketing / Finance / Production / Service to customer etc. as the core areas of any business. But being a Practicing Chartered Accountant I can tell you that most important […]
As we are progressing towards a world full of process automation, the use of new technology to make the accounting and return filing process integrated, accurate and less time consuming is becoming a reality much faster. This does not mean that it will do away the need of humans in processing, but will surely automate […]
Chart of Accounts are key to the health of books of accounts. Never ignore or underestimate its power. In this Article, I am going to cover what should be the right structure of Chart of Accounts. The structuring of Chart of Accounts depends on following factors: – Nature & Size of Business Type of ERP/ […]
In continuation to our earlier article on ‘Risk Management Strategy vs. Risk Management objectives’, let’s understand what is allowed to be hedged as per the Accounting Standard. WHY do we hedge? Simple answer is to mitigate all expected losses or adverse effect on fair values of any balance sheet items (e.g. Investments etc) or an […]
Urban Improvement Trusts and Development Authorities are responsible for the improvement and expansion of urban areas. In India, these Authorities are playing an important role by planning, coordinating and supervising the proper, orderly and rapid development of urban areas in their jurisdictions. Audit of these entities involve many issues and unique peculiarities.
With everyday grooming world and innovative environment, traditional way of working is changing now. There were a time when people were not familiar with computer and typical accountant were there to maintain the books, but with the passage of time we even cannot think to do the accounting without technology, whether its computer hardware or software available to us.
Now, it is very imperative to ascertain the treatment of transitional provisions as well the treatment of future purchases of such spare parts under Income Tax Act. The Income Tax Act does not provide for any particular definition of capital asset or fixed asset
The IPSASB seeks feedback on Exposure Draft 63, ‘Social Benefits’ to guide it in developing a final International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) that establishes requirements for accounting for social benefits.