CA, CS, CMA : पुरानी सरकारी लेखांकन विधियों के प्रभाव और एकल औ...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn about the Procure-to-Pay cycle and its accounting entries in Oracle Fusion ERP, detailing each step from requisition to paym...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore common Record-to-Report (R2R) interview questions and essential accounting entries like accrued expenses, prepaid expenses...
CA, CS, CMA : This study examines the appropriate methods for building construction and the sale of plots in a township, considering the positio...
Finance : Learn the detailed accounting procedures for issuing bonus shares, including necessary journal entries and their impact on financi...
CA, CS, CMA : Join our free webinar on foreign accounting and bookkeeping, led by expert CA Sachin Jain. Learn about opportunities, techniques, ...
CA, CS, CMA : The Council, at its 400th meeting, held on March 18-19, 2021, considered the matter relating to applicability of Accounting Standa...
CA, CS, CMA : Announcement providing Temporary Exceptions to Hedge Accounting prescribed under Guidance Note on Accounting for Derivative Contra...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Research paper on Money laundering and scams THROUGH Multi-State Urban Cooperative Credit Societies, Angadia’s & Banks in I...
CA, CS, CMA : The Credit Co-operative societies have misused various gaps of the system over period of time by tapping various regulations for c...
Income Tax : Change in method of accounting was bona fide and with the compliance of the Accounting Standard – AS 9 – Revenue Recognition i...
Income Tax : Method of Accounting regularly followed by the taxpayer which was accepted by the Tax Officer in past cannot be rejected in future...
Income Tax : We find that at the time of survey the sample processing was carried out and according to the sample processing, the bi-products c...
Income Tax : We have heard both the sides in detail. Thrust given by the C1T(A) on the mens rea reflected in the conduct of the assessee does n...
Income Tax : In the instant case, learned counsel for the Revenue is not in a position to demonstrate or satisfy us that due to the change of a...
Naresh Kansala DOT-COM Companies, Accounting Concepts and “Its Practical Treatments” With the development of IT industry there is huge scope for growth not in the IT industry but in all other industries too and the growth of E-Commerce has revolutionized the way of conducting business. The buyers and the sellers are a mere click-of-the-mouse away. […]
Issue – The company is a registered non-banking financial company and is engaged in the business of lending for purchase of equipments. The company has received share application money and to allot further equity shares, the shareholders of the company have approved increase in authorized share capital. The company has incurred an expenditure toward stamp […]
Atul Khurana OVERVIEW: What are Accounting Standards? What is IFRS? What is Convergence of Accounting Standards? Convergence of Indian accounting standards with IFRS Role of ICAI in convergence Role of SEBI in convergence Role of Industry Associations in convergence Advantages and Challenges for convergence Meaning of Accounting Standards: In order to ensure transparency consistency, comparability, […]
Forensic Accounting has existed for many years. Also known as “Investigative Accounting”, forensic accounting is a detailed examination and analysis of financial documents and records for use as evidence in a court of law. Forensic Accounting represents an area of finance that combines detective skills and financial activities. These accountants dig into the financial reports and […]
Change in method of accounting was bona fide and with the compliance of the Accounting Standard – AS 9 – Revenue Recognition issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and provisions of S.5 of the Act.
Whether it is assets or not – CERs is an asset because it qualifies definition of Assets given in ‘Framework for the preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements’, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India which is as follows:
As a tax accountant, it’s your job to make the tax and accounting process simple for your clients. Luckily, there are several software applications available that take the guesswork out of accounting and streamline the process for both you and your clients. Best of all? These software picks are affordable regardless of the size of the business.
Background : The carbon market can be divided into two: the voluntary market and the regulatory (compliance) market. In the compliance market, carbon credits are generated by projects that operate under one of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) approved mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
One challenge facing the human race is that of GLOBAL WARMING. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The goal is to allow market mechanisms to drive […]
The assessee is a firm and engaged in business of financing and follows cash system of accounting. It gave a loan to a company on interest. The borrower while crediting the interest deducted TDS and issued TDS certificate. The assessee claimed the credit of TDS without offering the corresponding income to tax . The AO disallowed the claim of the assessee .The CIT (A) allowed the appeal of the assessee- ITO Business Ward –II (4) v. M/s Shri Anupallavi Finance & Investments (2011-TIOL-78-ITAT-MAD)