Corporate Law : Learn who must file LLP annual returns in India and how to do it. Understand filing requirements, deadlines for Forms 11 and 8, an...
Corporate Law : Striking off an LLP dissolves it, but future claims may arise. It applies to LLPs inactive for 1+ years, with an Indemnity Bond en...
Corporate Law : Businesses opting for LLP registration in India benefit from lower compliance burdens, tax advantages, and an easier business setu...
Corporate Law : Avoid common LLP registration mistakes like invalid names, documentation errors, and compliance issues for a smooth registration p...
Company Law : Understand the process and requirements for converting an unlisted public company into an LLP, including necessary filings and doc...
Company Law : NFRA inspection of PwC firms (PWCA & PW& Co CA) reveals deficiencies in related party transaction verification and documentation, ...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI releases 2024 guidelines for CA firm and LLP aggregation, enabling better collaboration and operational efficiency. Learn abo...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs monitors C-PACE’s efficiency in processing corporate and LLP strike-offs, improving processing...
Company Law : MCA enhances compliance and ease of doing business with decriminalization of 63 offences, faster company strike-offs, and streamli...
Corporate Law : NFRA recommends 40 Auditing Standards for LLPs under the LLP (Amendment) Act 2021, effective from April 2026, for approval by the ...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that where two houses joint together constitutes a single unit for residence, then exemption under section 54F of...
Goods and Services Tax : Discover how Madras High Court provides a chance for Tvl. Shriniwas Impex to contest penalty despite lacking E-way bills or lorry ...
Income Tax : ITAT Guwahati held that the exemption of 10(26) of the Income Tax Act is available to the individual members of the Scheduled Trib...
Corporate Law : Explore the Kerala High Courts judgment on Jeny Thankachans plea, challenging the precedence of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code...
Goods and Services Tax : In re AS&D Enterprise LLP (GST AAR Haryana) In general terms, an LLP is a viewed as an alternate corporate business model that...
Corporate Law : Arles Maxent Associates LLP and its designated partners fined ₹1.5 lakh by Chennai ROC for violating Section 13 of the LLP Act,...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn about ICAI's Aggregation of LLPs Guidelines 2024, detailing eligibility, governance, registration, and compliance for LLPs w...
Company Law : NFRA penalizes BSR & Associates LLP ₹10 crores for audit lapses in Coffee Day Enterprises audit. Partners face fines and debarme...
Corporate Law : Discover the latest amendments to LLP Rules by the MCA, effective from August 27, 2024. Learn about the new role of the Centre for...
Corporate Law : Registrar of Companies Andhra Pradesh issues notice for removal of 93 LLP names from the register. Learn more about the notice and...
Introduction: With the upcoming dynamic changes and advancement of new ideas, now a days people and mostly start-ups are thinking of setting up of a Separate Entity to run their business and among option of registering business with Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, One Person Company and Private Limited Company etc. A Private Limited […]
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has provided a one time opportunity to the LLPs to make good their default by filing pending documents and to serve as a compliant LLP in future by introducing LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020 vide General Circular No 02/2020 dated 4th March, 2020 which will be applicable from 16th March, 2020 to 13th June, 2020.
What is a startup? A startup is an entity registered as a Private Limited Company (registered under Companies Act 2013) or Limited Liability Partnership (registered under Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008) or Partnership Firm(registered under Partnership Act 1932), working towards innovation, development or improvement of product or processes or services or a business model accelerating […]
LLP Settlement Scheme as per the General Circular issued by the MCA dated 04.03.2020 via number 06/2020. LLP or Limited Liability Partnership is a form of business vehicle governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 or LLP Act, 2008 in short, combining the quality attributes of a Company and a Partnership Firm. It gives […]
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has come up with a new scheme namely LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020 for Limited Liabilities Partnerships (LLPs), which are majorly small enterprises and struggle to make their feet stand in today’s sharp competitive market place. Many times it has happened with these entities that, they do not have enough knowledge […]
LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020 is being introduced in pursuance of the Government’s objective of providing greater Ease of Living to the citizens of the country and is expected to provide significant relief and a window of opportunity for LLPs to abide by the Law & conduct business accordingly.
LLP settlement scheme-2020- Defaulting LLPs Can Breathe A Sigh Of Relief!!!! Ministry of Corporate affairs vide its General Circular No. 6/2020‘ dated 04th March, 2020 notified ‘LLP settlement Scheme, 2020′. Article explains LLP Settlement Scheme-2020 in a Nutshell with FAQs. > LLP Settlement Scheme-2020 in a Nutshell: Legal provision: The Central Government in exercise of its […]
The Central Government in exercise of its powers under Section 460 of the Companies Act, 2013 decided to introduce a scheme called “LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020” to grant the defaulting Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), a one-time window to condone the delay in filing of some statutorily required documents with Registrar. Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) […]
LLP Settlement scheme 2020, FAQ on 4 FORM and Rs. 5000 Maximum Late fees. 1. Who Can avail LLP Settlement scheme 2020? Any LLP which is active and which has not filed an application in Form 24 for striking of their name from the registrars as per provisions of Rule 37(1) of the LLP Rules, […]
As per one estimate, the scheme could benefit 20-25 per cent of the 1.25 lakh LLPs registered in the country*. To give one time opportunity to such defaulting LLPs, MCA, on March 4, 2020 announced LLP Settlement Scheme 2020 (Scheme). Under the Scheme, LLPs will be given a three-month window to complete overdue filings of […]