Income Tax : Explore India's digital taxation measures like Equalization Levy, Significant Economic Presence, and GST on online services. Learn...
Income Tax : In this blog post here, we would like to address the impact of progressive taxation on income inequality in India with regard to t...
Income Tax : Learn how tax laws impact small businesses, from selecting the right entity and managing deductions to complying with payroll taxe...
Income Tax : Understand the concept of an assessee under the Income Tax Act, its classifications, roles, responsibilities, and available tax be...
Income Tax : Overview of Income Tax Sections 69A, 69B, on unexplained income, investments, and expenditures. Key cases and interpretations incl...
CA, CS, CMA : Get the latest Income Tax and GST notifications, updates, and circulars from February 10 to 16, 2025, including ITR filing deadlin...
Income Tax : Lok Sabha issues corrigenda for the Income-tax Bill, 2025, correcting references, formatting, and legal citations. Read the key am...
Income Tax : Join our webinar on Faceless Tax Assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Learn concepts, challenges, and solutions from expert...
Income Tax : Income-Tax Bill 2025 simplifies tax laws by reducing sections, chapters, and words while ensuring no policy or tax rate changes. K...
Income Tax : India decriminalizes minor direct tax offenses to ease compliance. New measures include litigation management, compounding guideli...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that notice under section 148 of the Income Tax Act issued after a period of six years is barred by limitation. A...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that Section 153C as application at relevant time didn’t contemplate two tier recordal of satisfaction. Th...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court held that reassessment proceeding u/s. 148 initiated against non-existing company is not sustainable in law in a...
Income Tax : ITAT Amritsar held that there is no violation of provisions of section 269SS of the Income Tax Act when cash payment was made at o...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai sets aside CIT(E)’s rejection of 80G registration for SKNNSM Society, citing inadequate time for response. Case sen...
Income Tax : Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board receives tax exemption on cess, fees, and interest income under Sectio...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing Form 56F under Section 10AA(8) and 10A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to March 31, 2025, for...
Income Tax : The Central Government notifies Punjab RERA for tax exemption under Section 10(46A) of the Income-tax Act, effective from the 2024...
Income Tax : CBDT authorizes data sharing with the Dept. of Food & Public Distribution to identify beneficiaries under PMGKAY as per Income-tax...
Income Tax : Shri Chaitanya Health and Care Trust’s Bhaktivedanta Hospital approved for scientific research under Section 35(1)(ii) of the In...
8. We have heard the arguments of both the sides and also perused the relevant material on record. It is observed that there is no dispute about the fact that the payments in question were made by the assessee company in cash in excess of Rs.20,000/- towards service charges to the crew. The dispute, however, is that whether the said payments were covered by the exceptions prescribed in Rule 6DD(j)
Medical and Educational Institutions : Extension of time limit for filing applications for tax exemption under section 10(23C) : Now such institutions having receipts of more than rupees one crore can file an application for seeking exemption till 30th September following the end of the financial year for which the exemption is sought. Tax relief […]
Further restrictions on benefits in respect of Housing Projects : In the run up to the budget virtually every stake holder in the real estates wanted that benefits of section 80IB(10) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 be restored which have ceased to be operative except for the projects approved on or before 31 03 […]
Notification No. 56/2009 – Income Tax It is hereby notified for general information that the organization Man Made Textile Research Association, Surat has been approved by the Central Government for the purpose of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (said Act), read with Rules 5C and 5E of the Income- tax Rules, 1962 (said Rules), with effect from 1-4-2008 in the category of ‘other institution, Partly
Notification No. 57/2009 – Income Tax It is hereby notified for general information that the organization Eye Research Centre, Chennai has been approved by the Central Government for the purpose of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (said Act) read with rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (said Rules), with effect from 1-4-2009 in the category of ‘other Institution’, partly engaged in research activities subject to the following conditions, namely:-
The government has merged the Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) for direct and indirect taxes, the two arms of Finance Ministry, where overseas firms and Non-Resident Indians can know their tax liabilities.To further enhance efficiency in tax administration, I intend to merge the two Authorities for Advance Rulings on Direct and Indirect Taxes by amending the relevant Acts, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said unveiling the budget for 2008-09.
With regard to the question as to whether Panna Bai was the benamidar of Dwarka Prasad Agarwala or not, the TRO, held that without doubt the transaction was benami and the real owner of the property at 13,Kalipukur Lane (Road), Sheoraphully, Hooghly, was Dwarka Prasad Agarwala and Panna Bai, wife of Dwarka Das Agarwala, was the ostensible fictitious owner.
Notification No. 73/2009 – Income Tax Section 118 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Control of income-tax authorities – Notified subordinate officers In exercise of the powers conferred by section 118 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby directs that the Income-tax authorities specified in column (3) of the Schedule below shall be subordinate to the Income tax authority specified in column (2) of the said Schedule.
The first issue is taken up first for consideration. Section 139(5) permits the assessee to file a revised return on discovery of an omission or any wrong statement in the original return. Of course, only such return can be revised which has been filed under section 139 (1) or which has been filed pursuant to notice under section 142 (1).
Various Laws Applicable to Co-op. Societies 1) The Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act, 1960 (MCS Act) – having 167 sections effective from 26/1/1962 and The Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Rules, 1961 – having 110 rules effective from 23/12/1963. or The Co-operative Societies Act and Rules of the respective state in which the society is registered (Bihar-1935, Orissa-1935, […]