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Fringe Benefit Tax

Latest Articles

Section 194R – Double Taxation/Entry of FBT from back door?

Income Tax : Understanding Section 194R of the Income Tax Act 1961. Is it double taxation or an entry for fringe benefit tax? Find out the impl...

July 20, 2022 5937 Views 0 comment Print

Section 271FB Penalty for default in furnishing return of fringe benefits

Income Tax : The penalty provisions of section 271FB of the Income Tax Act applies to all the employer (who paid fringe benefits to its employe...

February 12, 2020 3927 Views 2 comments Print

TDS is deductible on ESOP

Income Tax : Employee Stock Options Plans (ESOPs) and its different variants like Employees Stock Purchase Plans, Stock Appreciation Rights, St...

August 31, 2018 28560 Views 0 comment Print

Announcement relating to taxation papers for students appearing in May 2010 examination PE-II [Income-tax and Central Sales Tax], PCC/IPCC [Taxation], Final (Old) Course [Direct Taxes] and Final (New) Course [Direct Tax Laws]

CA, CS, CMA : Consequent to abolition of fringe benefit tax, certain benefits taxed earlier as fringe benefits in the hands of the employer woul...

February 23, 2010 1021 Views 0 comment Print

Perks & Jerks for Employees!

Income Tax : With virtually no reprieve from the tax burden on their pay packages and continuing anomalies and inequities, the new rules for va...

February 12, 2010 1475 Views 0 comment Print

Latest News

DTC not expected to be presented in upcoming budget

Income Tax : The Direct Taxes Code 2009 is now on the back burner. The Union finance ministry has veered round to the view that its bold move t...

February 12, 2010 726 Views 0 comment Print

Adjustment of Advance FBT with Advance Tax for A.Y. 2010-11

Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes have decided that any instalment of advance tax paid in respect of fringe benefits for assessmen...

January 29, 2010 6268 Views 0 comment Print

Income tax refunds may get delayed by a fortnight

Income Tax : Income tax refunds may get delayed for a fortnight, following a complete revamp of security buffers in the computer software syste...

January 23, 2010 756 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT may allow companies to adjust the FBT paid against the advance tax due in the March quarter

Income Tax : The government will allow companies to adjust the fringe benefit tax (FBT) paid by them against the advance tax due in the March q...

January 9, 2010 1108 Views 0 comment Print

Perquisite Valuation rules not considered the inflation and old exempt amount limit been kept

Income Tax : The fringe benefit tax (FBT) was strongly opposed by India Inc, but there is no doubt that it was beneficial to the employees — ...

December 30, 2009 801 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

No FBT on Travelling & Conveyance where public transport connectivity was absent 

Income Tax : Dive into Prakash Industries Ltd vs ACIT case dissected by ITAT Delhi, detailing FBT exemptions for transport services and medical...

March 18, 2024 369 Views 0 comment Print

Deduction towards fringe benefit tax available while computing book profits u/s 115JB

Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that fringe benefit tax is an allowable deduction in computing book profit as per Section 115JB of the Income Tax ...

September 21, 2023 645 Views 0 comment Print

FBT not payable on Employee Welfare Expenses

Income Tax : Bilfinger Neo Structo Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) As regards ground relating to Employees Welfare Expenses includible in va...

August 25, 2022 1065 Views 0 comment Print

FBT not leviable on mere provision for Approved Superannuation Fund

Income Tax : Jyoti Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) Solitary issue involved therein relates to the addition by Assessing Officer and confirmed by ...

June 16, 2022 558 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi HC directs Income Tax Dept to decide on Refund claimed by American Express

Income Tax : Delhi High Court directs rectification of Amex India's tax assessment, orders refund of Rs. 45.60 crore. Get insights into the ru...

April 10, 2022 711 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

Circular on adjustment of Advance FBT Paid for Assessment Year 2010-11

Income Tax : Circular No. 2/2010-Income Tax The Finance Act, 2005 introduced a levy namely Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on the value of certain fr...

January 29, 2010 8198 Views 0 comment Print

Government Put Conditions on Issue of Prepaid Meal Card

Income Tax : Notification No. 1/2009 - Income Tax The Finance Act, 2008, w.e.f. from 1 April 2008, introduced a new concept of Electronic Meal...

January 5, 2009 19716 Views 0 comment Print

FBT on ESOPs – CBDT amends Rule 40C

Income Tax : NOTIFICATION NO 11/2008, Dated: January 18, 2008 Valuation of specified security not being an equity share in the company. 40D. Fo...

January 23, 2008 1009 Views 0 comment Print

Notification on Valuation of ESOP for FBT

Income Tax : NOTIFICATION NO. 264/2007, DATED 23-10-2007 Valuation of specified security or sweat equity share being a share in the company. 40...

October 24, 2007 726 Views 0 comment Print

Extension of Due Date of Payment of The First and Second Installment of Advance FBT on ESOPS

Income Tax : By virtue of the provision of clause (d) of sub-section (1) section 115 WB, introduced by Finance Act, 2007, an employer is liable...

September 13, 2007 721 Views 0 comment Print

TDS is deductible on ESOP

August 31, 2018 28560 Views 0 comment Print

Employee Stock Options Plans (ESOPs) and its different variants like Employees Stock Purchase Plans, Stock Appreciation Rights, Stock Awards, etc, have been used by employers to attract, retain and motivate employees. ESOPs have been popular primarily in the knowledge-based industries like information technology, biotechnology, etc. However, in the recent past, they have gained prominence even in traditional industries like manufacturing.

Exercise of revisional jurisdiction u/s 263 for adjustment of FBT in book profit

April 23, 2018 627 Views 0 comment Print

Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited Vs. CIT (ITAT Mumbai) Taxes borne by the assessee on non-monetary perquisites provided to employees forms part of Employee Benefit cost and akin to Fringe Benefit Tax since they are certainly not below the line items since the same are expressively disallowed u/s 40(a)(v) and the same do not constitute […]

ITAT not levied penalty on CA Firm for not paying FBT on traveling & conveyance Expenses of Articled Clerks

January 17, 2018 1062 Views 0 comment Print

M/s. Gujrani & Co. Vs. Income Tax Officer (ITAT Kolkata) It is observed that the audit expenses of Rs. 5,19,238/- were claimed to be incurred by the assessee- company towards traveling and conveyance of the Articled Clerks, who were C.A. students receiving training from the assessee- firm. It was contended by the assessee during the […]

Food to employees in office or factory does not form part of fringe benefit

December 1, 2017 3498 Views 0 comment Print

It is clear from the provision of section 115WB(2)(B)(i) of the Act that expenditure on food provided by the employer to the employees in an office or factory does not form part of the fringe benefit.

Reimbursement of expense to Director by Company is not Taxable as Perquisite

November 29, 2017 37011 Views 0 comment Print

Gaurav Seksaria Vs. ITO (ITAT Kolkata) Reimbursement of expense incurred during foreign visit to Director by Company is not taxable as Perquisite  It is not in dispute that the assessee employee had not claimed any expenditure as deduction which were incurred by him through credit card during his foreign travel. He incurred expenses through credit […]

FBT leviable on expense on Sales Promotion, Free Samples, Gift etc

April 24, 2017 1725 Views 0 comment Print

When the language of Section 115WA and 115WB is clear and unambiguous and even the intention of the legislature while enacting sections 115WA and 115WB(2) is very clear i.e. with respect to the deemed fringe benefits, neither there is any scope for either literal and/ or purposive interpretation nor there is any occasion to consider the intention and for that purpose the speech of Honourable Prime Minister in the Parliament.

No TDS U/S 192 in Case Where Tax Already Been Paid by Employer

December 21, 2016 2542 Views 0 comment Print

The employer i.e. ONGC has paid fringe benefit u/s 115WA of the Act to the employee and thus, the employee was not bound to pay tax on the aforementioned expenses, as a part of his salary.

Subscription to Tata Brand Equity contribution not liable to FBT in the absence of employer – employee relation

March 1, 2013 504 Views 0 comment Print

While deciding Revenue’s appeal in ITA No. 6747/M/2011, this Bench had the occasion to consider the Circular issued by CBDT being Circular No. 8/2005 dt. 29.8.2005 wherein this Bench has held that employer/employee relationship is a pre-requisite for the levy of FBT. Rationale for introduction of FBT is that it is difficult to isolate the “personal element” if the benefits are collectively enjoyed by the people which means that the provisions of FBT will be applicable only in respect of those expenses which contain or atleast are likely to contain an element of personal benefit to employees. We do not find any such thing present on the facts of the present case. The subscription amount has been paid as per contractual agreement between the assessee and M/s. Tata Sons Ltd. The invoice raised by M/s. Tata Sons Ltd. is for the services provided for it. As no employer/employee relationship exists between the assessee and M/s. Tata Sons Ltd., we agree with the findings of the Ld. CIT(A) that subscription payment deserves to be kept outside the purview of FBT.

Expenditure on leased telephone lines has been excluded from the purview of Fringe benefit Tax

December 13, 2011 1144 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi ITAT ruling on ACIT vs. M/s Global Vantedge – Exclusion of leased telephone lines from fringe benefits. Rs. 26,56,792 expense deleted.

Announcement relating to taxation papers for students appearing in May 2010 examination PE-II [Income-tax and Central Sales Tax], PCC/IPCC [Taxation], Final (Old) Course [Direct Taxes] and Final (New) Course [Direct Tax Laws]

February 23, 2010 1021 Views 0 comment Print

Consequent to abolition of fringe benefit tax, certain benefits taxed earlier as fringe benefits in the hands of the employer would now be taxable as perquisites in the hands of the employees. For this purpose, new perquisite valuation rules have been notified vide Notification No.94/2009/ F.No.142/25/2009-S.O.(TPL), dated 18.12.2009 with retrospective effect from 1.4.2009. However, the new perquisite valuation rules would be applicable only for November 2010 examination. They would not be applicable for May 2010 examination, since only notifications/circulars issued up to 31st October, 2009 are relevant for May 2010 examination.

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