Finance : Compare Fixed Deposits with Mutual Funds, Stocks, Gold, and Real Estate. Understand risks, returns, and liquidity to make an infor...
Finance : Learn about India's 2025 mutual fund tax rules, including updated rates for equity and debt funds, and strategies to reduce your t...
Company Law : Explore the different modes for starting a finance business in India, including Money Lending, NBFCs, Nidhi Companies, and Co-oper...
SEBI : Explore BigBasket’s upcoming IPO: Will it revolutionize grocery e-commerce in India or face challenges in a competitive market? ...
Finance : Explore safe and growth-oriented investment options for retirees, including FDs, mutual funds, and dividend stocks, to generate st...
Finance : Two major giants have announced a strategic alliance to jointly explore developmental paths in the financial sector, bringing more...
Finance : Check Out the Recent Changes in PF, GST Post Office, and Banking Rules That Can Affect You Directly With the beginning of the new ...
Finance : In the past 4 years, UnlistedKart has been at the forefront of the unlisted stock space, achieving a collective top line of 250-pl...
Finance : Debate around the new real estate upcycle continues to cloud the market’s collective wisdom. Upcycles are driven by rising incom...
Finance : Now that the country is looking to provide seamless financial solutions to the masses, it’s an ideal time for all the SMEs, star...
Whenever I look at how far I’ve come today in terms of my career and my life, I always think of my dad. My dad has been a constant source of inspiration in my life. His strong grounding stems from his humble beginnings, from which he grew to be extremely successful and brought up his […]
This paper is designed for the age group of 25-30 (Men) as this is the most exposed age group to accumulate one’s finance or totally wipe out even inherited wealth. Before going further we shall take a little break here and shall understand; what is Finance, financial management and personal finance?
CA Kunal Singhal Introduction Although a very familiar term in everyday life, fixed deposits or “FD” as we call it, is one of the very crucial investments which almost every individual happen to make or open with their bankers. Definition Fixed deposits are high interest yielding term deposits offered by bank in India. It is […]
As Tax Season approaches, most are looking for the right investment. This year, Birla Sun Life Insurance moves away from the pure number game to tell the story of a single parent and his son who has just been diagnosed with autism. Through a heart-warming narrative, Birla Sun Life highlights how security in the form […]
All AMFI/ NISM Certified Intermediaries engaged in marketing and selling of Mutual Fund schemes are required to be registered with AMFI after passing AMFI/ NISM Certification Test. The Mutual Funds will not be able to deal with intermediaries who are not registered with AMFI and obtained ARN.
1. Is it the right time to invest? Right time varies for each investor. There are two categories of investor mainly: A. Who are in need for fund and start investing to earn high return (Risk averse). B. Who have surplus fund and start investing the surplus fund lying with them (Risk taker).
All of us have enjoyed the benefits of proactive actions made in the past. Continuing this cycle, taking the right steps today can greatly benefit the unforeseen future, especially when it comes to meeting our financial goals. The rate at which inflation is increasing certainly makes us worry. Owning a house, funding our child’s education […]
Mayur Gupta Most banks these days ask for a credit score from the applicant before extending a loan. Credit score is a rating which a rating agency assigns to an individual based on his past credit and repayment history. Higher the credit score higher is the chance of securing the loan at better terms. However […]
Due to the unequal distribution of wealth, India has arrived at a situation where the affluent class gets richer and richer and the underprivileged becomes poorer and poorer. To bridge this financial gap and to satisfy the day to day requirements of the underprivileged, banks play a vital role by offering various loans to the finance seekers.
We always tend to be a little casual with our business or corporate credit cards for the simple reason that the company tends to reimburse or pay the credit card bills. However, at the end of the month when you send the statement to your company’s executive most of the times you are left scratching […]