Fema / RBI : Learn key regulatory requirements for wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign companies in India, including compliance under the Comp...
Income Tax : Understand the differences in residential status under the Income Tax Act and FEMA for Indians working abroad. Know tax implicatio...
Fema / RBI : Introduction to Compounding Compounding of contraventions is a voluntary process where an individual or entity admits a contravent...
Fema / RBI : Learn about the FEMA compounding process, authorities, and rules for resolving foreign exchange contraventions with the updated Fo...
Fema / RBI : Foreign companies can establish a project office in India for specific operations. Learn about RBI approval, documentation, and co...
Fema / RBI : New FEMA rules allow settlement of foreign exchange violations with penalties up to ₹5 crore. Pending cases will follow earlier ...
Fema / RBI : The Government amended FEMA regulations, enabling resolution of violations up to ₹5 crore by paying fines. Ongoing cases follow ...
Fema / RBI : BCAS submits feedback on RBI's draft FEMA regulations, highlighting liberalized rules aimed at enhancing Ease of Doing Business. B...
Finance : Understand the legal framework, regulations, and licensing requirements outlined in the IFSCA Banking Handbook General Directions ...
Fema / RBI : Explore the latest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy amendments in Indias space sector. Understand the changes in caps, entry...
Income Tax : Directorate of Enforcement cannot sit over the seized assets, and the failure to release them is a violation of Section 132B of th...
Fema / RBI : Assessee-company was engaged in the business of providing unsecured short-term loans to its customers/borrowers in India via its D...
Fema / RBI : Read Rajasthan High Court's judgment in Bhagwati Jewellers regarding release of seized gold bullion and goods by Enforcement Direc...
Fema / RBI : In present facts of the case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court observed that the Enforcement Officer appointed under Section 3 of FERA,...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court held the provisional attachment order unjustifiable as the same was passed simply stating that there is likel...
Fema / RBI : RBI outlines Exim Bank’s $120M credit line to Vietnam for High-Speed Guard Boats. Includes disbursement details, export complian...
Fema / RBI : RBI issues guidelines for Exim Bank’s $180M credit line to Vietnam for Offshore Patrol Vessels. Details on disbursement, export ...
Fema / RBI : RBI revises FEMA regulations, modifying payment rules for Asian Clearing Union (ACU) members, excluding Nepal and Bhutan. Changes ...
Fema / RBI : RBI updates FEMA regulations, revising payment rules for ACU member countries. The amendment affects foreign exchange transactions...
Fema / RBI : RBI updates FEMA regulations to encourage Indian Rupee and local currencies for cross-border transactions. Learn about the revised...
As per Master Direction – Export of Goods and Services issued by RBI (FED Master Direction No. 16/2015-16) Realization and repatriation of proceeds of export of goods / software / services It is obligatory on the part of the exporter to realize and repatriate the full value of goods / software / services to India […]
Establishment of Branch office (BO), Liaison office (LO) or Project office (PO) in India 1. Introduction on the Establishment of BO/LO/PO in India (i) Eligible Foreign entities are permitted to establish BO, LO (Commonly known as Representative office) and PO in India under general or specific ‘approval’ route (ii) Eligible Foreign Entities Includes 5 followings […]
Taxation of individuals by a state works on a deeply embedded principle of giving back to the state for the services provided by the state such as good governance, welfare schemes, defense and others which are required for a state for maintenance and expansion. This principle although looks simple and efficient, requires the state to answer the basic question : How to Decide WHO to tax ? And providing theoretically and morally reasons to support taxing such individuals. One such answer given by the United States, Eritrea and Philippines is citizenship-based income tax rules.
1. Introduction on the ECBs (i) ECBs are permitted as ‘commercial’ loans for ‘commercial’ purposes as to be received by the eligible Indian borrowers from the recognized non-resident lenders in accordance to updated guidelines as issued by the RBI from time-to-time. (ii) ECBs are permitted in ‘any’ convertible foreign currency and also in Indian Rupee […]
1. Introduction on LRS under the ‘Automatic’ Route (i) History of the LRS The LRS was announced by the RBI vide circular No. 64, dated February 04, 2004 as simplified and liberalized foreign exchange facility to be available for the resident ‘individuals’ (RIs) ‘not’ for HUF, partnership firm and Trusts etc. (ii) Monetary limit for […]
1. ‘Advantages’ of the ODIs (i) Increases in the exports of plant, machinery, goods and Services from India (ii) Increases in foreign exchange earnings through receipt of dividend, royalty and technical Known how fee 2. ‘Guidelines’ for the ODIs Guidelines’ for the ODIs are available through followings Regulations, notifications etc. (i) Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer […]
Vigilance towards the FEMA Compliances is rapidly increasing. This shift is characterized by an increase in awareness, involvement of investors, due diligence, and regulatory actions. All leads towards the compliant economy and also increase the ranking in the Compliance Risk Index. Foreign Investment or FDI is a vital part of FEMA and FDI is always […]
In terms of extant guidelines of RBI since 1987, AD Banks may be required to issue Certificates to beneficiaries of Inward Remittances received through their medium for production as supporting evidence for claiming various facilities / benefits / entitlements under Exchange Control Regulations or Government Rules.
RBI has noticed misleading advertisements of unauthorised Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) offering forex trading facilities to Indian residents, including on social media platforms, search engines, Over The Top (OTT) platforms, gaming apps and the like.
Hello Friends, myself Ankit Misra, a member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India. I am happy to be here with you and it is my constant endeavor to share with you my knowledge over different topics of FEMA and this time I would like to discuss on Foreign Direct Investment (or FDI) under FEMA. […]