Income Tax : The faceless tax assessment scheme in India faces legal disputes over jurisdiction between JAO and FAO. Learn about key court ruli...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore Income Tax systems, from Form 26AS and AIS for tax data to CPC-ITR and faceless assessments ensuring transparency and effi...
Income Tax : Proposed amendment removes the deadline for notifying faceless schemes under the Income-tax Act, allowing notifications beyond Mar...
Income Tax : Taxpayer injustice due to high-pitched assessments and misuse of Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act in 2017-18 and 2018-19 asses...
Income Tax : Explore faceless assessment, reassessment, and recomputation under the Income Tax Act, as per Finance Act 2021, and related judici...
Income Tax : CBI registers case against 9, including Deputy Commissioner, 2 Inspectors, and 5 CAs, for sabotaging Faceless Tax Scheme; searches...
Income Tax : Learn to handle faceless income tax assessments using AI tools like ChatGPT in a 2-hour live course on Sept 15, 2024. Enhance effi...
Income Tax : Income Tax Faceless Appeals before CIT (A). How to deal with this appeal in new Faceless Regime. Get the Answer of many Questions ...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of faceless tax assessment, benefits, and government's steps to address taxpayer grievances. Get insights into ...
Income Tax : KARNATAKA STATE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION (R) Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022 To, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Hon. Union Mi...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court quashes notice u/s 148 issued by jurisdictional AO, ruling that only NFAC has authority post CBDT Circ...
Income Tax : Gujarat HC sets aside faceless assessment order due to lack of personal hearing via video conference, directing a fresh order in c...
Corporate Law : Madras High Court dismisses writ petitions challenging JAO's jurisdiction in issuing Section 148 notices under IT Act, citing comp...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC invalidates Section 148 notice due to non-compliance with faceless assessment provisions under Section 144B of...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court sets aside notice under Section 148 in Mohan Jit Singh case, following prior judgments in similar case...
Custom Duty : F. No.450/26/2019-Cus. IV(Pt) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Indirect Taxes &...
Income Tax : In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 144B of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the fo...
Income Tax : In pursuance of para 4 of S.O. 5429(E) Notification No. 139/2021/F.No.370142/66/2021- TPL, dated the 28th December, 2021, notifyin...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies jurisdiction of CIT(A) under Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 vide Notification No. 113/2022-Income Tax Dated: 13th...
The essential principles of natural justice are the following: Justice should not only be done but seen to be done. One cannot be a judge in his own cause. No party should be condemned unheard. u Impartial hearing must be extended to the person against whom a charge is framed to state his case. Final […]
Blue Square Infrastructure LLP Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) 1. An undue haste by respondent no. 1 in passing the impugned assessment order, as he did not even wait for the completion of the timeframe given in the show cause notice-cum-draft assessment order, dated 20.04.2021, to file a response. 2. The best […]
The Central Government introduced the Faceless Assessment Scheme to provide greater transparency, efficiency and accountability in Income Tax assessments. All provisions introduced under Faceless Assessment, under the Income Tax Act, 1961, are introduced to- (a) Eliminate the interface between the Assessing Officer and the assessee during the course of proceedings, to the extent that is […]
In the case of the KBB Nuts Private Limited V/s National Faceless Assessment Centre Delhi (NFAC) assessment proceedings and directed the revenue to grant a personal hearing to the authorised representative of the petitioner, before proceeding to pass a fresh assessment order.
Chief Election Commissioner of India Vs M.R Vijayabhaskar & Ors. (Supreme Court of India) Courts must be open both in the physical and metaphorical sense. Save and except for in-camera proceedings in an exceptional category of cases, such as cases involving child sexual abuse or matrimonial proceedings bearing on matters of marital privacy, our legal […]
Praful M. Shah Vs National Faceless Assessment & Ors. (Bombay High Court) It was alleged by petitioner that Assessment Order was passed by National E Assessment Centre without granting an opportunity to be heard and A Writ Petition was filed in the Bombay High Court against such order. Petitioner claimed that The impugned order is […]
SAMS Facilities Management Private Limited Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre & Anr (Delhi High Court) The petitioner claims that the impugned assessment order was passed without passing a draft assessment order and the variation made in the declared income was carried out without issuance of a show cause notice. In other words, the contention is […]
SAS Fininvest LLP Vs National-Assessment Centre Income Tax Department New Delhi (Delhi High Court) DELHI HIGH COURT admitted writ petition on account of not giving proper show cause notice (SCN) with material prior to passing of assessment order against NFAC. Also first time honourable court took cognizance of board instructions cited by us and reproduced […]
Dj Surfactants Vs National E-Assessment Centre, Income Tax Department (Delhi High Court) In this case petitioner has been able to establish, at least at this stage, a prima facie that AO has not taken into account the explanation and the material placed before him by the petitioner, along with its reply dated 12.03.2021 while passing […]
Axis Wind Farms (Anantapur) Private Limited Vs Union of India (Telangana High Court) Petitioner contends that the impugned Assessment Order has been passed by 2nd respondent for the Assessment Year 2018-19 without providing a personal hearing to the petitioner and without considering the documentary evidence provided by petitioner. Sri B.Narasimha Sarma, learned Special Senior Counsel […]