Income Tax : The faceless tax assessment scheme in India faces legal disputes over jurisdiction between JAO and FAO. Learn about key court ruli...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore Income Tax systems, from Form 26AS and AIS for tax data to CPC-ITR and faceless assessments ensuring transparency and effi...
Income Tax : Proposed amendment removes the deadline for notifying faceless schemes under the Income-tax Act, allowing notifications beyond Mar...
Income Tax : Taxpayer injustice due to high-pitched assessments and misuse of Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act in 2017-18 and 2018-19 asses...
Income Tax : Explore faceless assessment, reassessment, and recomputation under the Income Tax Act, as per Finance Act 2021, and related judici...
Income Tax : CBI registers case against 9, including Deputy Commissioner, 2 Inspectors, and 5 CAs, for sabotaging Faceless Tax Scheme; searches...
Income Tax : Learn to handle faceless income tax assessments using AI tools like ChatGPT in a 2-hour live course on Sept 15, 2024. Enhance effi...
Income Tax : Income Tax Faceless Appeals before CIT (A). How to deal with this appeal in new Faceless Regime. Get the Answer of many Questions ...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of faceless tax assessment, benefits, and government's steps to address taxpayer grievances. Get insights into ...
Income Tax : KARNATAKA STATE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION (R) Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022 To, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Hon. Union Mi...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court quashes notice u/s 148 issued by jurisdictional AO, ruling that only NFAC has authority post CBDT Circ...
Income Tax : Gujarat HC sets aside faceless assessment order due to lack of personal hearing via video conference, directing a fresh order in c...
Corporate Law : Madras High Court dismisses writ petitions challenging JAO's jurisdiction in issuing Section 148 notices under IT Act, citing comp...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC invalidates Section 148 notice due to non-compliance with faceless assessment provisions under Section 144B of...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court sets aside notice under Section 148 in Mohan Jit Singh case, following prior judgments in similar case...
Custom Duty : F. No.450/26/2019-Cus. IV(Pt) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Indirect Taxes &...
Income Tax : In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 144B of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the fo...
Income Tax : In pursuance of para 4 of S.O. 5429(E) Notification No. 139/2021/F.No.370142/66/2021- TPL, dated the 28th December, 2021, notifyin...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies jurisdiction of CIT(A) under Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 vide Notification No. 113/2022-Income Tax Dated: 13th...
In the case of Lakshya Budhiraja [2021] 131 51 (SC), the additional solicitor general submitted that the department is considering the change in Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2020. Hon’ble Supreme Court of India had allowed Additional Solicitor general time of 3 months to get it implemented. Meeting the deadline and time allowed by the Hon’ble […]
CBDT has issued CORRIGENDUM Notification No. 02/2022- Income-tax to rectify mistake in Notification No. 139/2021-Income Tax | Dated: 28th December, 2021 vide which Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 was notified. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) CORRIGENDUM New Delhi, the 7th January, 2022 Notification No. 02/2022- Income-tax S.O. 90(E).—In the notification […]
Pradip Kumar Saha vs. Union of India & ors. (Calcutta High Court) The case in hand is that the appellant came to know of the notice for the first time on 11.09.2021 at 14.19 hours and received the same by speed post but the appellant’s accountant entered the online portal to submit reply to the […]
Commonly occurring procedural lapses in Assessment Proceedings as observed while analysing Writ petitions filed between 01/04/21 to 21/12/21- Assessment order has been passed even before the due date for reply allowed in the SCN/ DAO.
Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby sets up Appeal Units under Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021. CBDT sets up 293 Appeal Units all over India. F.No. 187/4/2020-ITA-1 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes) ***** Room No. 245-A, North Block, New Delhi —110001. Dated 29th December, 2021 OFFICE ORDER-4 […]
CBDT sets up National Faceless Appeal Centre (NFAC), which shall have its headquarters at Delhi and shall comprise of the following Income-tax Authorities
CBDT notifies Income-tax Authority & Headquarters to facilitate Faceless Appeal vide Notification No.141/2021-Income Tax| Dated: 29th December, 2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) New Delhi Notification No.141/2021-Income Tax| Dated: 29th December, 2021 S.O. 5449(E).—In exercise of powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 120 of the Income-tax […]
CBDT notifies Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 vide Notification No. 139/2021-Income Tax | Dated: 28th December, 2021. As per Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 a personal hearing through Video Conference (VC) can be requested by Assessee to CIT (A) and when such request is made the same shall be allowed by CIT(A) . No discretion with the […]
Gandhi Realty (India) Private limited Vs Assistant/Joint/Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (Gujarat High Court) Sub-section (2) of section 144(B) says that every notice or order or any other electronic communication shall be delivered to the addressee, being the assessee, by way of placing an authenticated copy thereof in the assessee’s registered account; or by sending […]
As we move to the next cycle of Faceless Assessment under Income Tax, here’s a primer on the procedural aspects guiding the taxpayers through the compliance process, for a seamless experience. To ensure seamless communication, taxpayers should update their contact details including e-mail ID & phone number provided to the Income Tax Department and access […]