Corporate Law : Understand the applicability, compliance, penalties, and best practices of the POSH Act for Private Limited Companies in India wit...
CA, CS, CMA : Check the December 2024 due date calendar for various tax and compliance obligations, including GST, Income Tax, ESI, and Providen...
Company Law : Understand stamp duty rules on share transfers in demat form for private limited companies. Covers legal framework, rates, respons...
Income Tax : Convert your company into an LLP before 31st March 2025 to carry forward business losses for 8 years. Act now before the tax benef...
Company Law : MCA clarifies demat rules for Non-Small Private Companies, including ISIN delays and share allotment procedures. Compliance requir...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Scheme of Special Micro-Credit Facility launched for Street Vendors – Striving towar...
Company Law : In this flash editorial author discusses the provisions of liability of directors after strike off of Company or winding up of Com...
Company Law : Article discusses Time Period for Filing of Appeal in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) against the order of adjudic...
Corporate Law : In this editorial author discusses Judgment National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in the case of Steamline Industries L...
Corporate Law : The 'I&B Code' is a complete Code by itself. The provision of the Power of Attorney Act, 1882 cannot override the specific provisi...
Corporate Law : Whether Corporate Debtor can bar the NCLT to accept the petition of Operational Creditor by raising a dispute on the Demand Notice...
Analysis of Regulation 31 and 31A of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) related to Holding of specified securities and shareholding pattern and Disclosure of Class of shareholders and Conditions for Reclassification.
Analysis of Regulation 28 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) related to In-principle approval of recognized stock exchange(s).
Analysis of Chapter V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) explains Obligations Of Listed Entity Which Has Listed Its Non-Convertible Debt Securities Or Non-Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares Or Both vide Regulation 49 to 62.
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) Presently, a private agreement between Stock Exchange and listed company govern all listing obligation and disclosure requirement. This listing agreement like any other agreement among parties creates civil obligation in case of any violation of the agreement. Now, Securities and Exchange Board of India took […]
AS PER SECTION 185: No Company ( Private & Public) Directly or Indirectly Advance any loan, including book debt, to any of its directors or to any **other person in whom the director is interested Any guarantee or provide any security in connection with any loan taken by him or such other person BACKGROUND: This […]
According to the latest World Bank report, India stands at the 142th position in terms of ease of doing business globally. No wonder, there have always been clamour and concern for bureaucratic hurdles which prevent the business to run efficiently and smoothly. One such hurdle was the bureaucratic procedure as to the incorporation of a […]
The limited liability partnership may change its name by following the procedure as laid down in the limited liability partnership agreement. Where the limited liability partnership agreement is silent on this matter, consent of all partners shall be required for changing the name of the limited liability partnership.
A. Annual Forms Required to be File: S. No. Private Company Public Company Listed Company 1. MGT-7 MGT-7 MGT-7 2. AOC-4 AOC-4 AOC-4 3. MGT-9 MGT-14 MGT-14 4. AOC-1 MGT-9 MGT-9 5. AOC_2 AOC-1 AOC-1 6. AOC_2 AOC_2 B. Purpose of the Forms:
Appointment for 5 Years: {Section: 139(1)} Every company shall, at the first annual general meeting, appoint an individual or a firm as an auditor who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting. Ratification of Auditor: […]
Shifting Of Registered Office From One State To Other State under Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 S. NO. PROCESS Section- 13 (4) A. CALL BOARD MEETING Work Require to Done before calling of Board Meeting ♣ Issue Notice of Board Meeting-[173(3)] & SS-1 Call Meeting by giving not less than 7 […]