Corporate Law : Understand the applicability, compliance, penalties, and best practices of the POSH Act for Private Limited Companies in India wit...
CA, CS, CMA : Check the December 2024 due date calendar for various tax and compliance obligations, including GST, Income Tax, ESI, and Providen...
Company Law : Understand stamp duty rules on share transfers in demat form for private limited companies. Covers legal framework, rates, respons...
Income Tax : Convert your company into an LLP before 31st March 2025 to carry forward business losses for 8 years. Act now before the tax benef...
Company Law : MCA clarifies demat rules for Non-Small Private Companies, including ISIN delays and share allotment procedures. Compliance requir...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Scheme of Special Micro-Credit Facility launched for Street Vendors – Striving towar...
Company Law : In this flash editorial author discusses the provisions of liability of directors after strike off of Company or winding up of Com...
Company Law : Article discusses Time Period for Filing of Appeal in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) against the order of adjudic...
Corporate Law : In this editorial author discusses Judgment National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in the case of Steamline Industries L...
Corporate Law : The 'I&B Code' is a complete Code by itself. The provision of the Power of Attorney Act, 1882 cannot override the specific provisi...
Corporate Law : Whether Corporate Debtor can bar the NCLT to accept the petition of Operational Creditor by raising a dispute on the Demand Notice...
With the development of the practice, there will be more and more exception phenomena which can not be explained by the original thoughts or theories. Once these exceptions developed to such an extent that waved peoples confidence in the former thoughts or theories, crisis will happen, and scientific revolution begins. – Thomas S. Kuhn
Explore the differences between right issue, private placement, and preferential allotment under the Companies Act, 2013. Understand the applicable provisions, types of securities, eligibility criteria, approvals, offer periods, documentation, timeframes for allotment, fund utilization, and more. Make informed decisions while raising capital for your company.
Till 31st March, 2014, if you wanted to set up a private company, you needed at least one other person because the law mandated a minimum of two shareholders. So, for the person wanting to venture alone, the only option was proprietorship, an onerous task since it is not legally recognized as a separate entity.
Article Analyses following Section applicable to One Person Company (OPC) under Companies Act, 2013– -Definition of One Person Company (Sec.2(62)) -Definition of Financial Statement (Sec.2(40)) -Formation of One Person Company (Sec.3) -Memorandum (Sec. 4(1)(f)) -Registered Office of One Person Company (Sec.12(3) Proviso) -Annual Return (Sec.92(1) Proviso) -Annual General Meeting (Sec.96(1)) -Applicability of Chapter VII (Management […]
In this article author explains Meaning of Section 8 Company, Important Features of Section 8 Companies, Mandatory Annual Compliance for Section 8 Companies. In addition to mandatory compliances mentioned in the Article there may be event-based compliances for the Section 8 Company. Meaning of Section 8 Company: Under sub-section (1) of this section a company […]
The concept of Non-Profit making Company is quite old in India. In erstwhile, Companies Act, 1956 it was regulated by Section 25 and that is why it was popular as Section 25 Company. However in Companies Act 2013 provisions related to Non-Profit making Company are given in Section 8 read with Rule 19 and 20 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014.
Compliance requirement of Nidhi Companies has gone through various changes since the day Companies Act, 2013 has come into force. In recent past Compliance requirement of Companies has been increased with introduction of new forms i.e. MSME-1, BEN-2 etc. However, some exemptions are granted to Nidhi Limited Companies under Companies Act, 2013 wide notification No. […]
Nidhi” means a company which has been incorporated as a Nidhi with the OBJECT of Cultivating the habit of thrift and Savings amongst its members, Receiving deposits from, and Lending to, its members only, for their mutual benefit, and Which complies with rules of Chapter XXVI of Companies Rules, 2014. ♦ Nidhi in the Indian context / language means “TREASURE”. However, […]
Who will bear the cost incurred to incorporate the Company? A. The promoters should pull the amount needed for incorporation of a company. Amount (loan) given by the promoters in the initial stage will be reimbursed by the company.
Silent Condition for Producer Companies: i. Only persons engaged in an activity connected with, or related to, primary produce can participate in the ownership. ii. The members have necessarily to be [1]primary producers.