Income Tax : Explore the New Tax Bill 2025, replacing the Income Tax Act of 1961. Learn about its simplified structure, global alignment, and c...
Income Tax : Explore the timeline, objectives, and major changes in the Direct Tax Code 2025 compared to the Income Tax Act 1961....
Income Tax : India explores simplifying direct tax laws via a new code or amendments. Challenges include black money, inflation, manpower gaps,...
Income Tax : Insights on the proposed Direct Tax Code 2025, focusing on exempt income, depreciation alignment, PAN issuance, and accounting bas...
Income Tax : Proposals for simplifying the Income Tax Act: restoring deductions, lowering TCS, improving assessments, and introducing uniform t...
Income Tax : Stakeholder engagement by the Task Force drafting the New Direct Tax Law extended by a period of three months up to June 15,...
Income Tax : Direct Taxes Code, 2013 has proposed to widen the scope of the definition Accountant” to include other professionals as well. It...
Income Tax : Ministry of Finance, Government of India has pronounced the DTC, 2013 along with DTC Bill, 2010 is placed on http://incometaxindia...
CA, CS, CMA : I am happy to inform that after several persuasions for long years by the Institute, the name of Cost Accountant have been include...
Income Tax : Revenues are of paramount importance. The best source of revenue is taxes and for that we need modern tax laws. I am disappointed ...
Income Tax : The Indian government is set to introduce the new Income Tax Bill, 2025, in the Lok Sabha on February 13, 2025. This comprehensive...
Income Tax : Task Force for drafting a New Direct Tax Legislation- The term of the Task Force is extended by a period of two months i.e.. the T...
Income Tax : The term of the Task Force for drafting New Direct Tax Legislation is extended by three months beyond the initial term of six mont...
Excise Duty : Circular No. 73/73/94-CX In the All India Conference of Collectors (Appeals) held recently at Bangalore on 6th and 7th October 19...
The issue of transfer price affects various types of taxes. Under Custom Laws, special valuation branch examines the validity of the transaction value between associated enterprises. In Service Tax law, service tax has been imposed on import of service through reverse charge method and it is expected that Service Tax department would like to examine the value of services imported (or exported) to associated enterprises. In Income Tax, it is transfer price mechanism which takes care of this situation.
The Direct tax Code Bill 2011 (DTC), has given relief to the property owners on two major account, firstly, no deemed taxation for House Property and secondly, deduction for interest for self occupied house property.’ While, the concept of deemed taxation of more than one house property has been done away with and their expectation of a simple mechanism of taxation of rental income has also been considered to a great extent.
1. Interest from Bond do not form part of Total Income. a) In exercise of power conferred by item (h) of sub clause (iv) of clause (15) of Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 the Central Government vide notification no 52/20 1 1.F.No. 178/56/20 1 1-(ITA- 1) dated 23rd September 2011 authorizes National Highway Authority of India to issue during the Financial year 2011-12, tax free, secured, redeemable, non-convertible bonds of rupee 1,000 each for the aggregate amount of Rs 10,00,000 lacs subject to the other following conditions that-
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday expressed the hope that the Direct Taxes Code ( DTC), which seeks to modernise tax laws in the country, will come into force from April 1, 2012. The proposed Direct Taxes Code brings together the policy initiatives on direct taxes. It is slated to come into force from the next financial year, he said while addressing an international conference on Tax and Equality’.
The government expects that the Parliamentary standing committee report on the Direct Tax Code (DTC) will be presented during the ongoing winter session to enable implementing tax reforms by April next, a senior Finance Ministry official said today.
The National Minority Commission today voiced concern on a proposal in the Direct Tax Code Bill to tax donations for institutions and organisations run by a particular religion or community and is planning to take up the issue with a parliamentary committee examining it. A delegation led by NCM member Keki N Daruwala has sought a meeting with Yashwant Sinha, who heads the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, this week as it feels that the provision will adversely affect minority institutions.
We have initiated two major steps in the area of tax reforms. The first pertains to the DTC and the second to the Goods and Services Tax (GST). The DTC Bill was introduced in August, 2011 and has been referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee. I am hopeful that the Committee will submit its report by the Winter Session of the Parliament, and thereafter we would seek to get the legislation passed during the Budget session. By amalgamating several taxes levied by the Centre and the States at different stages of the value chain, the GST would mitigate cascading and make Indian industry competitive in domestic as well as international markets. It would also improve compliance and make the level of taxation transparent to the end consumers.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee today hoped that the Direct Taxes Code (DTC), which seeks to replace the Income Tax Act of 1961, would come into force from April 1, 2012.
Large Indian firms may have to adopt international accounting norms, IFRS, from the next fiscal when the new direct tax regime comes into effect, bringing clarity on the tax structure for companies. In a meeting held recently, the Corporate Affairs Ministry and the Finance Ministry is learnt to have found a common ground on how companies would be taxed under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
An NGO has urged Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to continue tax exemption for them in the proposed Direct Taxes Code in order to encourage non-profit organisations to undertake welfare activities. “Taxes will put a constraint resource generation of charitable bodies and reduce their ability to undertake welfare activities,” Tax Payers Protection & Welfare Society, said in a release.